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Sunday, October 13, 2013

When Party is More Important Than Country......Creating A Deadbeat Nation.....

Speaking Truth To Power!

We need more Senators like Senator Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Ed Markey, Senators Udall, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and others who place common sense and the understanding of government ahead of Republican temper tantrums!

Today's news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.):

Senate Republicans Block Debt Ceiling Extension: Senate Republicans on Saturday stopped a Democratic effort to avoid default by raising the government’s borrowing limit through next year. “The issue is pretty clear,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said afterward. “It is not a major ask to allow the United States government to continue functioning. It is not a major ask that the United States government pays its bills,” Sanders added on MSNBC.

Deadbeat Nation: “It's becoming increasingly possible that for the first time in the history of our country the United States will become a deadbeat nation, precipitating a national and international financial crisis,” Sen. Sanders said Saturday on WVNY-TV. "If a default occurs, it is likely that interest rates will spike for home mortgages, car loans, student loans and credit cards,” Sen. Sanders said on WPTZ-TV. “This must not be allowed to happen.”VIDEO, VIDEO ...

The House Crazies: Sen. Sanders said the government could reopen and the debt ceiling crisis could be averted if Wall Street puts pressure on House Speaker John Boehner. “The Republican Party remains very dependent on Wall Street and big money interests and I think those guys are going to go to John Boehner and say, ‘John, listen, you've got to deal with these crazies. You have to have a vote in which all members of the House can vote.’ And if he does that at the request of the big money guys, I think we're going to keep the government open and I think we're going to pay our debts,” Sanders said on MSNBC.

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