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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, February 16, 2014

This & that....Blackburn and other Republican congresspeople are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and other polluters who put profits ahead of the future of our country and planet

Why would any REASONABLE PERSON deny their fellow Americans HEALTH CARE?

Doesn't that mean that those who deny their fellow Americans HEALTH CARE are unreasonable?


As always Paul Krugman nails it. 

h/t Liberals Are Cool

As always Paul Krugman nails it.

We need more Bill Nyes so that this can happen more often.
This kind of Horse Manure coming from the Washington Times [The Moonie newspaper, lacking professinal standards, filled with Fairy Tales], exemplifies the problem.
For all the animals being held captive, being factory farmed, being tortured, used as Laboratory Testing, Abused
Native American tribes in Washington state have joined forces with First Nations in British Columbia to fight Kinder Morgan's proposed doubling of capacity on its Trans Mountain tarsands pipeline to the Pacific Ocean.

The result would be a seven-fold increase in oil tanker traffic in a coastal area that is fished for salmon by the tribes, and home to sacred orcas. You're talking about thousands of people who risk losing it all, from one single spill.

"We would hate to see the Coast Salish Seas become strictly an industrial traffic zone for vessels coming and going, all in the name of making a dollar, and forgetting about our way of life," said Glen Gobin, Tulalip tribe board of directors.
A Shelter Dog asks God.

By Joan C. Fremo

Dear God,...

What is "Time"?
I hear the sadness in the voices of workers here. They say my "Time is up", that they have to make room for yet another dog.
My "Time" is up.
I don't know what that means, God. I only know that my new friends are so sad, and the more I wag my tail---the harder I try to make them feel better-- -the sadder they become.

I know I have heard that word "Time" before, but I don't understand.
When I was younger, my people would say "Time to play!" They would throw the ball, and I would run fast. Sometimes I brought it back to them, but other times we'd end up chasing each other having fun.

I remember "Time to eat". My people would put down a bowl of food, and I would enjoy dinner, wagging my tail in joy.
There was also "Time for your walk". My boy would put my leash on, and we would go walking together, visiting the neighborhood and enjoying each other's company.
When I was younger I thought "Time" meant fun. Or maybe Love?
I don't understand. "Time" must mean something else, but how can it change, God?

Before I came here, I heard my people say, "No time to feed you now, boy. Later, when I get home." Sometimes my family would forget, and there was no food in my bowl.
Does "Time" mean when my belly hurts?
My people said there was no time for walks. I tried to hold it all day long-- but God, I just couldn't anymore. When I finally had to go, it made my family very angry.
Does "Time" means anger?

Or maybe Loneliness? My family said they didn't have "Time". They didn't have time to play, or time to take me to the vet, or time to go for walks. They didn't have "Time", so they brought me here. Maybe I was right... They said they didn't have time, and if "Time" means Love, how did they lose it?

Did I do something wrong?
God, I think my new friends are sending me to you. Do you have "Time"? May I sit on the couch? Am I a good Dog, God?
Is it "Time"?
One of the most important things we can give our pets is "Time". The time to love them, care for them, and train them. Animal Shelters and Humane Societies across the country are filled with pets whose families didn't have "Time". Every year, the "Time is up" for 12 million companion pets. Do you have the "Time" to make a difference?__._,_.___

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