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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thug State USA

Andy Borowitz | Putin After Hockey Loss: "This Must Be What an Actual Election Feels Like"
Russian President Vladimir Putin. (photo: unknown)
Andy Borowitz, The New Yorker
Borowitz writes: "Minutes after the Russian men's hockey team fell to Finland 3-1, a devastated President Vladimir Putin told reporters, 'This must be what an actual election feels like.'"

Russian Security Forces Attack Pussy Riot Members
Nataliya Vasilyeva, Angela Charlton, Associated Press
Vasilyeva and Charlton report: "Cossack militia attacked Russia's Pussy Riot punk group with horsewhips on Wednesday as the artists - who have feuded with Vladimir Putin's government for years - tried to perform under a sign advertising the Sochi Olympics."

Robert Scheer | Honoring the 'Accomplices' to Truth Who Caught Clapper in a Lie
Robert Scheer, TruthDig
Scheer writes: "The tide is turning. Yesterday's traitor is today's hero, and the brave journalists who helped Edward Snowden get the word out are at last being honored for their public service. Or so one hopes."

Ruth Rosen | The War Against Contraception: "Women Need to Be Liberated From Their Libidos"
Ruth Rosen, Reader Supported News
Rosen writes: "Just when you thought an overly sexualized America couldn't get any sillier about sex, Republicans have launched a campaign against the 'contraception mandate' in the President's new health plan programme that would include birth control."

Loan Complaints by Homeowners Rise Once More
Jessica Silver-Greenberg, Michael Corkery, The New York Times
Excerpt: "A growing number of homeowners trying to avert foreclosure are confronting problems on a new front as the mortgage industry undergoes a seismic shift."

The Onslaught of White Murder
Brittney Cooper, Salon
Cooper writes: "It is clear that Florida prosecutors are fairly unclear about how to defend black life against an onslaught of white murder."

Killing Yellowstone Bison to Protect Cows
Nate Schweber, Al Jazeera America
Schweber reports: "Behind the mass hunts were Montana's cattle ranchers. The ranchers considered bison to be the biggest threat to what is today a $3 billion annual agribusiness industry in the state."

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Reader Supported News

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FOCUS: Tom Engelhardt | Thug State USA
(artwork: unknown)
Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch

Engelhardt writes: "Here, at least, is a place to start: intelligence officials have weighed in with an estimate of just how many secret files National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden took with him when he headed for Hong Kong last June. Brace yourself: 1.7 million."

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