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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, March 31, 2014

Meet a Pediatrician Who Believes Vaccines Are "Messing With Nature"

Interesting article!

Meet a Pediatrician Who Believes Vaccines Are "Messing With Nature"

The physicians at Pediatric Alternatives treat thousands of California children. They have impeccable credentials, having trained and completed residencies at some of the nation's top medical schools and institutions.

So it might surprise you to learn that one of Pediatric Alternatives' policies is extremely unorthodox: It recommends that families delay certain childhood immunizations—in some cases for years past the age recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—and forego others entirely.

If these top-shelf pediatricians are willing to allow customized immunization plans for each patient, then is there a possibility they are onto something? Could it be that much of what we've heard about the importance of timely vaccines is wrong?

To find out the answer—and to watch a video of Pediatric Alternatives' head physician explaining her beliefs—click here. [READ MORE]

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