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Saturday, June 20, 2015

What's ahead in state government this week

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What's ahead in state government this week

Polito on Cape Tuesday, So. MA Econ Dev. Roundtable at CCCC; Off-Cape: Opioids, Ebola and solar-powered street lights
- See more at:

Pro-gambling forces for years have argued that Massachusetts is losing out in the casino sweepstakes and forcing its residents to travel outside the state's borders to place their wagers. On Wednesday, the tide will begin to turn as the first facility to serve gamblers under the state's 2011 casino law is set to throw open its doors in Plainville, a day after New Bedford voters go to the polls and decide whether that city will compete against Brockton for the last remaining commercial casino license. House Speaker Robert DeLeo's ascension in 2009 cracked the door wide open for casino proponents and Massachusetts is now about to begin learning about the advantages and disadvantages of expanded gaming. While proponents have touted new jobs and tax revenues, critics of casinos have warned that gambling addiction problems will grow and take their toll on families. Plainridge Park Casino's opening comes two days after Gov. Charlie Baker and Attorney General Maura Healey lay out plans to address another type of addiction - recommendations from an opioid working group are due out on Monday.
The milestone in the state's casino era headlines the upcoming week, as pressure mounts on a six-member conference committee working on a $38.1 billion budget.  There are just 11 days remaining before the dawn of the fiscal year that they're budgeting for.  An interim budget is in the works to keep the state's bills paid while talks continue.  Last year, when Gov. Deval Patrick saw that negotiators might not strike a deal on time, he filed a one-month, $4.6 billion budget on June 23 and lawmakers promptly passed it.  Administration and Finance Secretary Kristen Lepore said Friday the administration likely plans to file a two-week interim budget on Monday and hopes that it will be passed and signed into law by June 29.  
An early retirement program sought by Gov. Charlie Baker drew far fewer applicants than expected and Baker this week wouldn't say whether layoffs are likely, saying only that "we're in pretty good shape."  He added, "We still have some work to do to figure out the close of fiscal '15 and the opening of fiscal '16 and by the way you know we don't have a budget yet from the House and Senate.  They're still in a conference committee so we don't know exactly what the sort of entirety of this thing is going to look like until they conference that out and send it to us."  Baker will have ten days to review the budget, expected to authorize about $38.1 billion in spending, before signing it and announcing any amendments and vetoes.
Other storylines for the week ahead:
-- Gov. Baker and Attorney General Maura Healey are working together to participate in the unveiling of the governor's opioid task force findings.  They plan an 11 a.m. press conference Monday in Room 157.  The report focuses on four areas, according to Baker.  They are prevention and education, intervention, treatment, and recovery.  "There's a bunch of stuff . . . we believe we can do right now without any new statutes and there are a number of initiatives that are going to require some support from the Legislature and I think you are going to see us move pretty quickly to see if we can get the Legislature to buy off on some of the stuff we'd like to seem them do," Baker said Thursday. "But the really good thing about this is there's a lot of agreement across a lot of folks about a whole series of things in prevention and in in intervention and in treatment and recovery that we can do right away."
-- Boston 2024 officials continue to roll out their "2.0" plans.  Officials leading the push for a Boston-based Olympics have recently announced their plans include venues in New Bedford, Billerica, and Quincy, as well as tennis in Dorchester and basketball and gymnastics at the TD Garden in Boston.  Additional venues announcements are being planned through June. "It's very hard to draw conclusions about this one bite at a time," Baker said Thursday.  The Brattle Group, hired by top state officials, is looking at risks associated with hosting the 2024 summer Olympics in Massachusetts.  Baker says public guarantees are likely to become a major issue, and he's counting on the state's private consultants to ask the right questions.  "It's critical that we have enough time as a Commonwealth and as a community to digest whatever it is that comes out of this planning activity and to ask all the questions and to get clarity and some level of detail about what this is all about," the governor said, calling the "consequences of getting it wrong . . . really big."
-- Amidst a growing debate over standardized testing, the state Board of Education visits Lynn to hear more testimony about whether the state should switch from the MCAS exam to an exam aligned with national Common Core standards and known as PARCC (Partnership for the Assessment of College and Careers).  State officials estimate 54 percent of districts in Massachusetts administered PARCC tests to students in grades 3-8.  This year's school year was extended due to the many winter snow days taken and students are still in class in many communities during the upcoming week.
-- Gaming Commission Chair Steve Crosby, who is leading the agency's efforts to introduce a new level of gambling in Massachusetts, is the featured speaker Tuesday at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast.  The speech comes days after Crosby was cleared by the State Ethics Commission after it looked into conflict of interest allegations, and a day before the state's first slot machine venue opens in Plainville.
-- Legislative committee hearings are planned next week on bills dealing with independent contractors and non-compete agreements, medical records and health information technology, trash management and recycling, and probate and family court matters.
-- Overnight on Saturday, June 27, the MBTA will begin implementing its scaled back late-night service schedule.
HEALEY AT KENNEDY CENTER BBQ: Attorney General Maura Healey will be the keynote speaker at the 50th anniversary benefit and barbecue for the Kennedy Center which provides education, advocacy and opportunity in Charlestown. (Saturday, 7 p.m., Knights of Columbus, 545 Medford St., Charlestown)
MOULTON NARRATES "LINCOLN PORTRAIT" | Congressman Seth Moulton is set to narrate Aaron Copland's "Lincoln Portrait" as part of Symphony by the Sea's final performance of its 34th season.  (Saturday, 8 p.m., Cabot Theater, 286 Cabot St., Beverly)
BEATON AT STATE PARK CLEANUP: Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton and Department of Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Carol Sanchez will participate in the Massasoit State Park Cleanup Event hosted by the Friends of Massasoit Park. (Saturday, 11 a.m., Massasoit State Park, 1361 Middleboro Ave., East Taunton)
CURBING YOUTH DRINKING IN NEW BEDFORD: The effort to curb underage drinking will take shape with two messaging events at liquor stores in the north and south ends of New Bedford on Saturday. Participating youth will place stickers on beverage packages with the reminder: "Know the Law! It is illegal to purchase or provide alcohol for anyone under 21!" Project Sticker Shock is part of the city's Partners Reducing Underage Drinking, which goes by PROUD. PROUD Coordinator Samantha Caravana said three quarters of youth drinkers in New Bedford get alcohol from family, friends or by taking it from their homes. (Saturday, 12 p.m. at Freitas Package Store at 1295 Cove Road, New Bedford, and 2 p.m. at Douglas Wine and Spirits located on Kings Highway, New Bedford)
SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015
ROSENBERG 'ON THE RECORD': Senate President Stanley Rosenberg (D-Amherst) sits down with hosts Ed Harding and Janet Wu on this week's edition of the political chat show, "On the Record." (Sunday, 11 a.m., WCVB)
LYNCH ON KELLER: Congressman Stephen Lynch (D-South Boston) appears on WBZ's "Keller at Large" to talk to host Jon Keller about his opposition to the Pacific trade deal (TPP), his vote to repeal the medical devices tax, and his opposition to the proposed U.S. Olympic stadium at Widett Circle. (Sunday, 8:30 a.m., WBZ)
NEAL AT BASEBALL TEAM ANNIVERSARY: Congressman Richard Neal will attend the Post 21 Baseball Team's 81st anniversary. A game against Gastonia, N.C., will follow the event. (Sunday, 1:30 p.m., Sumner Ave., Forest Park, Springfield)
FATHER'S DAY 2015: The Commonwealth along with the rest of the country will be celebrating Father's Day this Sunday. Signed into law by Richard Nixon, Father's Day has been celebrated annually since 1972. Its origins lie much earlier, stemming from Spokane, Washington resident Sonora Dodd's desire to honor her father, William Smart. The mayor of Spokane proclaimed June 17 in 1910 the first Father's Day as the month of William Smart's birth. A census report released by the U.S. Department of Commerce shows that there are approximately 70.1 million fathers across the nation as of 2008, with 211,000 stay-at-home dads in 2014. Census reports from the same year found that 16 percent of single parents are men, numbering 1.9 million across the country. Included in the report are other dad-related statistics, such as the number of men's clothing stores around the country (7,157).
MONDAY, JUNE 22, 2015
OPIOID WORKING GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS: Gov. Baker, Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders and Attorney General Maura Healey plan a press conference Monday to announce the recommendations of Baker's Opioid Working Group.  The group was formed in February, held four public listening sessions, and its recommendations could lead to the drafting of legislation.  Lawmakers and Gov. Deval Patrick last year passed a law extending the amount of time that substance abuse treatment services are covered by insurance.  (Monday, 11 a.m. Room 157, State House)
BEACON HILL LEADERS MEET: Gov. Charlie Baker meets with legislative leaders, including Senate President Stanley Rosenberg and House Speaker Robert DeLeo. (Monday, 2 p.m., Speaker's Office)
BAKER IN QUINCY: Gov. Baker plans to attend a Quincy Lodge of Elks Scholarship ceremony.  (Monday, 7 p.m., 254 Quarry Street, West Quincy)
UNION STATION $$$ ANNOUNCEMENT IN SPRINGFIELD: State officials make an $88.5 million Springfield Union Station funding announcement in Springfield. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito joins Congressman Richard Neal and Mayor Domenic Sarno and officials from the Department of Transportation and the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development. (Monday, 10:30 a.m., Union Station, 66 Lyman St., Springfield)
NEAL AT PAPER INDUSTRY EVENT: Congressman Richard Neal will speak at The New England Paper Cluster event to promote the region's paper industry. (Monday, 5:30 p.m., Student Prince (The Fort) Restaurant, 8 Fort St., Springfield)
PARCC FORUM:  The Board of Elementary and Secondary Education holds a public forum to solicit feedback ahead of its decision this all on whether to sunset the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) and adopt the Partnership for the Assessment of College and Careers (PARCC).  Gov. Charlie Baker has said he wants the public to have an opportunity to express their preferences before the decision is made. Board of Education Chairman Paul Sagan recently testified against bills putting a moratorium on high-stakes testing and pausing the PARRC exam.  In his testimony, Sagan, a recent Baker appointee, wrote that the bills would lead to the "dismantling of the world-leading system of public education across the Commonwealth. That system was carefully constructed by more than a generation of educators, legislators, business leaders, and other stakeholders who share a vision of educational excellence in Massachusetts, a vision that we have nurtured for more than two decades."  Sagan added that he believes there is a "serious misconception" that teachers spend too much time preparing students to take state assessments and then administering the tests.  In response to anecdotal reports, the board over the winter commissioned a study and found 43 percent of the state's school districts reported they spend less than two days per year while 40 percent reported spending between three and five days per year. In addition, 84 percent of educators surveyed said they   "are using the state assessments to measure whether students have met specific and critical learning goals." (Monday, 4 p.m., North Shore Community College - Lynn Campus, Gymnasium)
STATEWIDE QUALITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Center for Health Information and Analysis holds a meeting of the Statewide Quality Advisory Committee to review findings from stakeholder interviews, which were conducted to inform the development of statewide health care quality priorities. The meeting is also accessible using the call-in number 1-866-832-9294 with the passcode 7440105.  CHIA on Thursday released a 2011-2013 report that the agency said "provides new insights into statewide, regional, and hospital-specific readmission rates, including data cuts by payer type, discharge setting, and hospital characteristics."  The report concluded, "Most notably, a small minority of patients account for a large proportion of admissions and readmissions. By assessing both the clinical and socio-demographic characteristics of frequently hospitalized patients, hospitals may be able to tailor readmission prevention initiatives to address the needs of this group."  The report is available here:  (Monday, 3 p.m., CHIA Office, 501 Boylston St., 5th Floor)
HOUSE AND SENATE: Both branches meet in informal sessions at 11 a.m.
DOT CAPITAL PLAN MEETING - WORCESTER: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation holds a public meeting seeking feedback on draft capital investment plans for the agency and the MBTA. (Monday, 6:30 p.m., Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, 2 Washington Square, Union Station, 2nd Floor, Worcester)
DOT CAPITAL PLAN MEETING - GLOUCESTER: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation holds a public meeting seeking feedback on draft capital investment plans for the agency and the MBTA. (Monday, 6 p.m., Gloucester City Hall, Council Chambers, 9 Dale Avenue, Gloucester)
SOCCER VIEWING PARTY: Boston Mayor Martin Walsh will host a USA Women's Soccer viewing party with members of the Boston Breakers, the city's professional women's soccer team. The team is slated to play against Colombia. (Monday, 8 p.m., City Hall Plaza, One City Hall Square)
SOLAR-POWERED STREETLIGHTS: Massachusetts Clean Energy Center CEO Alicia Barton joins Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone and local officials to celebrate the installation of solar-powered streetlights along Somerville's Community Path.  (Monday, 2 p.m., Lexington Park, 50 Lexington Ave., Somerville)
ASH AT MMA EVENT: Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash speaks at the Massachusetts Municipal Association Commencement. (Monday, Sargent Hall, Suffolk University, 120 Tremont St, Boston)
TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015
LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Bills dealing with non-compete clauses and the independent contractor law are up for a public hearing Tuesday before the Labor and Workforce Development Committee.   Both issues have riled the labor and employment communities in the past, stirring concerns over the fairness of laws to both employees and employers.   Pleasing the business community, the Legislature last year turned aside a push by Gov. Deval Patrick to eliminate non-compete agreements, which the governor said were an impediment to innovation.  Tuesday's agenda also includes a Rep. Rodrigues bill (S 1000) dealing with transparency in public construction, bills pertaining to the creative economy (S 992, H 1776) and a Sen. DiDomenico bill addressing enhanced enforcement of civil penalties (S 967).  The committee is co-chaired by Sen. Dan Wolf and Rep. John Scibak. Full agenda:, 1 p.m., Room 437)
ASK THE AG: Attorney General Maura Healey will participate in her monthly "Ask the AG" radio segment with Jim Braude and Margery Eagan. (Tuesday, 12:30 p.m., WGBH 89.7 FM)
BELLOTTI GIVES HEALEY AWARD: Attorney General Maura Healey will attend an annual event marking the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Healey will be presented with the Francis X. Bellotti Civil Rights Award which will be presented to her by Bellotti, the former attorney general. (Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Royal Sonesta Hotel, 40 Edward H. Land Blvd., Cambridge)
WALMART LOBBY DAY: Walmart executives, store managers, associates, and nonprofit organizations will meet with Gov. Baker to discuss economic development and job creation, according to event organizers. Gov. Baker will also give a speech during the program at 12:30 p.m. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., Great Hall)
COMCAST FOUNDATION AWARDS CEREMONY: House Speaker Robert DeLeo plans to offer remarks at the Comcast Foundation's Leaders & Achievers Scholarship Program award ceremony (Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., Grand Staircase, State House)
ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONFERENCE: Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matthew Beaton is the keynote speaker at the 7th Annual New England Energy Efficiency Conference & Expo. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., Westin Copley Hotel - Essex Room, 10 Huntington Ave., Boston)
NSTAR RATES: The Department of Public Utilities holds an evidentiary hearing on the petition of NSTAR Gas Company for approval by the DPU of an increase in rates. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., One South Station - 5th floor, HR A, Boston)
HEALTH CARE FINANCING: The Legislature's Joint Committee on Health Care Financing takes up 18 bills dealing with behavioral health and substance abuse. The docket includes a Sen. Flanagan bill requiring equitable access to behavioral health services for MassHealth consumers (S 585); a Rep. Golden bill relative to parity of treatment with substance abuse (H 991); a Rep. Bradley proposal promoting accessible substance abuse treatment (H 970); and a Sen. Lesser bill seeking to improve accessibility and affordability of naloxone and other pharmaceutical drugs (S 603). Full agenda: (Tuesday, 11 a.m., Room B-2)
GAMING COMMISSION CHAIR AT CHAMBER: Gaming Commission chair Stephen Crosby speaks to the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce as part of the organization's government affairs forum. (Tuesday, 8:10 a.m., Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston)
PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE: Bills dealing with birth and death certificates, health care and patient medical records, and the burial and cremation of pets are before the Public Health Committee for a public hearing.  Rep. Nick Collins is sponsoring a bill (H 3272) okaying the designation of portions of cemeteries or burial places for the co-internment of human and animal remains.  Collins is also backing a bill (H 3273) requiring that providers of cremation services for non-human animal remains be registered with the Department of Public Health. Rep. Cantwell has a bill (H 1900) before the committee aimed at ensuring patient privacy in connection with health information exchanges, and Rep. Bradley is sponsoring a bill (H 1891) addressing parental access to medical records. Full agenda: (Tuesday, 1 p.m., Room A-2)
PUBLIC SERVICE COMMITTEE: Eighteen bills dealing primarily with pension benefits for veterans are up for a public hearing before the Committee on Public Service. Full agenda: (Tuesday, 1 p.m., Room B-1)
ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE: The Joint Committee on Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources meets to consider two dozen bills dealing with waste management. Bills on the docket include a Sen. Joyce proposals prohibiting plastic carryout bags by 2019 (S 434) and prohibiting polystyrene packaging by the same year (S 435); a Rep. Garballey proposal regulating the incineration of solid waste (H 676); a Sen. Fattman proposal requiring registration of recycling contractors (S 407); and a Rep. Timilty proposal relative to waste removal plans for transfer stations (H 768). Full agenda: (Tuesday, 1 p.m., Room A-1)
PUBLIC POLICY AUTHOR TO SPEAK ON NEW BOOK: Robert Putnam, Harvard University public policy professor and author of "Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community," is scheduled to speak at the Boston Foundation Tuesday at an Understanding Boston forum. Putnam will discuss his new book, "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis," which is about the growing inequality gap in America. Following his talk, Putnam and Boston Foundation President and CEO Paul Grogan will discuss possible solutions to the inequality gap. Putnam will also field questions from audience members and later sign copies of "Our Kids." (Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., The Boston Foundation, 75 Arlington St., 10th Floor, Boston)
"SAFE BABIES SAFE KIDS" EVENT: Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan will speak with health care professionals to build awareness about infant safety and sleep practices for infants and young children. (Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., 41 Highland Ave., CC3 Conference Room, Winchester)
GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY FOR HOLBROOK SCHOOL: Massachusetts School Building Authority Executive Director Jack McCarthy attends a groundbreaking ceremony for the new K-12 school in Holbrook. The MSBA is contributing up to $55,751,400 towards the new school. (Tuesday, 11 a.m., 245 South Franklin St., Holbrook)
NEW BEDFORD CASINO VOTE: The polls will be open Tuesday from 7 a.m. until 8 p.m. in New Bedford, the latest community to take up a referendum to decide whether to continue down a path that might lead to a casino.  Developers are eyeing 43 acres of land off MacArthur Drive, including the site of the former Cannon Street power station, for the resort casino.  City officials and KG Urban entered into a host community agreement in March.  City voters will pass judgment on the plan before the applicant completes a suitability review before the Massachusetts Gaming Commission.
BOARD OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION: The Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meets, with an agenda that includes discussion of a new metric for education data, discussion of Lawrence schools that are in their third year of receivership, a discussion of receivership progress in Holyoke (Dr. Stephen Zrike starts as receiver there on July 6), end-of-year reports on Level 5 schools, a discussion of ways to strengthen civic learning, and a vote on Commissioner Mitchell Chester's job performance.  Votes are also planned on regulations on "autism endorsement for educator licensure" and delegation of authority to to the commissioner "to take necessary action between board meetings."  (Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., 75 Pleasant Street, Malden)
POLITO IN SANDWICH: Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito meets with town officials from Sandwich, Falmouth, Barnstable, Mashpee and Bourne as part of her "Building Stronger Communities" tour of the state. A press availability will follow 90 minutes after the meeting starts. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., Sandwich Town Hall, 130 Main St., Sandwich)
POLITO IN SOUTH YARMOUTH: Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito meets with town officials from Barnstable, Dennis, Brewster, and Yarmouth as part of her "Building Stronger Communities" tour of the state. A press availability is scheduled to follow the meeting. (Tuesday, 1 p.m., Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, 210 Station Ave., South Yarmouth)
MASS. CLEAN ENERGY CENTER: The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center Board meets.  The agenda includes an update from chair Matt Beaton, the center's fiscal 2016 budget, and  a compensation policies recommendation. Agenda: (Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., 63 Franklin St., Third Floor, Boston)
DOT CAPITAL PLAN MEETING - ROXBURY: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation holds a public meeting seeking feedback on draft capital investment plans for the agency and the MBTA. (Tuesday, 6 p.m., Roxbury Community College, Student Center, Room 200, 1234 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury)
CSG WEBCAST ON RIDESHARING SERVICES: The Council of State Governments and The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation are collaborating to provide policymakers with educational programming examining the insurance-related regulatory and legislative landscape surrounding ridesharing services. Register for the first webcast here. (Tuesday, 2 p.m.)
DOT CAPITAL PLAN MEETING - ARLINGTON: The Massachusetts Department of Transportation holds a public meeting seeking feedback on draft capital investment plans for the agency and the MBTA. (Tuesday, 6 p.m., Arlington Town Hall Auditorium, 730 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington)
JUVENILE JUSTICE FORUM: A Juvenile Justice Forum co-sponsored by Citizens for Juvenile Justice and the Boston Bar Association will allow attendees to meet Chief Justice of the Juvenile Court Amy Nechtem. (Tuesday, 3 p.m., Boston Bar Association, 16 Beacon St.)
WOMEN SHAPING ENERGY AGENDA: Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judith Judson will speak on a panel on "Women Shaping the Agenda in Energy and the Environment: Public Sector" sponsored by New England Women in Energy and Environment (NEWIEE).  (Tuesday, 5:30 p.m., MIT Sloan School of Management, 100 Main St. - Building E62, First floor, Executive Education Suite - Cambridge)
MEL KING BREAKFAST: Undersecretary of Housing and Community Development Chrystal Kornegay speaks at the Mel King Institute Breakfast. (Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., Hibernian Hall, 184 Dudley Street, Boston)
ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE: The Economic Assistance Coordinating Council will meet. The council's chairwoman is Deputy Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Carolyn Kirk. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, 2nd Floor, Boston)
ASH IN FITCHBURG: Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash speaks at the Fitchburg Rotary Club. (Tuesday, 12:15 p.m., Oak Hill Country Club, 840 Oak Hill Rd, Fitchburg)
DeLEO HONOREE AT DISABILITY LAW CENTER: House Speaker Robert DeLeo is scheduled to receive an award and offer remarks at the Disability Law Center's Annual Benefit.  (Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., Royal Sonesta, 40 Edwin H. Land Blvd., Cambridge)
LABOR SECRETARY AT HAMILTON PROJECT FORUM: The Hamilton Project at Brookings will host a policy forum on promoting financial well-being in retirement, with U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez delivering remarks at the event. The first panel will discuss a new paper by Professor Wesley Yin of UCLA addressing challenges in the private long-term care insurance market. He will be joined by Howard Gleckman, Resident Fellow at the Urban Institute; Thomas McInerney, President and CEO of Genworth Financial; and Alice Rivlin, Director of the Center for Health Policy at the Brookings Institute. Benjamin Harris, Chief Economic and Economic Advisor to Vice President Joseph Biden, will moderate the discussion. The second panel will discuss a paper by Professor John Friedman of Brown University, proposing reforms to the landscape of retirement savings accounts. He will be joined by James Poterba, Professor of Economics at MIT and President of the National Bureau of Economic Research; Debra Whitman, Chief Public Policy Office at AARP. Melissa Kearney, Director of The Hamilton Project, will moderate the discussion. (Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., The Falk Auditorium, The Brookings Institute, 1775 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C.)
FOUNDATION BUDGET REVIEW: The Foundation Budget Review Commission, weighing the calculation of state education spending, plans to discuss its preliminary report. The commission, led by Sen. Sonia Chang-Diaz (D-Jamaica Plain) and Rep. Alice Peisch (D-Wellesley), plans to issue its final report in November. The agenda for Tuesday includes edits to the preliminary report and discussion of the methodology for analyzing other topics to cover. The agenda also includes a presentation on school-based data collection. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., Room 428)
HOUSE FORMAL SESSION:  House Speaker Robert DeLeo has advised members to plan for a formal session on Wednesday, with roll calls starting at 1 p.m. and a Democratic caucus at noon.  
PLAINRIDGE PARK CASINO OPENS: Operating as Plainridge Park Casino, the $225 million slots parlor is slated to open to the public. The Gaming Commission voted to authorize the facility to open on June 22 and June 23 for test operations, delegated the handling of a temporary operation certificate for June 24 to commissioner Gayle Cameron, and is expected to consider granting a certificate of operation at a meeting on June 25. The slots parlor is owned by Penn National Gaming, which had sought a western Massachusetts resort casino license and lost out to MGM in Springfield. In an email, Gaming Commission chair Stephen Crosby thanked commission staff for their work. "This is truly an historic moment for the Commonwealth and each of you has played a critical role in making this concept of job creation and economic development a realized opportunity for 500 individuals, who will now commence new employment at Plainridge Park Casino," Crosby wrote. Along with over 1,200 slots, the facility will also offer electronic table games, like video poker and blackjack. The Mashpee Wampanoag tribe, which is seeking to open a tribal casino in the southeastern Massachusetts region, in May had asked Attorney General Maura Healey to investigate whether Plainridge Park Casino was in violation of state gambling law and the tribe's negotiated compact with the state. The tribe claimed the electronic table games offered at the slots parlor should not be allowed, since the state's 2011 gambling law does not allow table games at a slots parlor. Healey's office said Thursday that after reviewing the claim, they do not plan to take any action. The Route 1 facility will also feature harness horseracing and 1,620 parking spaces. The Plainville facility will host several restaurants and lounges, including Doug Flutie's Sports Pub, Slack's Oyster House and Grill, Revolution 1776 Lounge, a food court with pizza and coffee shops, and the "Mountain Skipper Express" area, which will simulcast U.S. racing tracks on several flat-screen televisions. The Plainville slots parlor has five surrounding communities: Attleboro, Foxborough, Mansfield, North Attleborough and Wrentham.  State Treasury officials, who oversee the Lottery, plan to monitor the performance of Lottery retailers in the area surrounding Plainridge to determine any impacts of the new gaming facility.  Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash plans to attend. (Wednesday, 10 a.m., 301 Washington St, Plainville)
BARTLETT SPEAKS AT BROWN BAG LUNCH: Energy and Environmental Affairs Undersecretary Ned Bartlett offers remarks at the Boston Bar Association's Brown Bag Lunch. (Wednesday, noon, 16 Beacon Street, Boston)
MWRA BOARD: Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matt Beaton chairs the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority Board meeting. (Wednesday, 1 p.m., Charlestown Navy Yard, 100 First Avenue, Boston)
BETTER GOV'T COMPETITION AWARDS GALA: The Pioneer Institute will be holding an awards gala for its 24th annual Better Government Competition, which was on the topic "Improving Public Safety and Controlling Costs in America's Criminal Justice System." A compendium of winning entries will be distributed to the attendees. Gov. Baker will provide welcome remarks; former Boston police commissioner Edward Davis will deliver the keynote address. (Wednesday, 6 p.m., Seaport Boston Hotel, 1 Seaport Lane)
NUCLEAR ENERGY TALK: Proponents of nuclear energy will gather in Massachusetts for a discussion on how the energy source fits into New England's needs. The talk will feature former U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg, who was governor of New Hampshire when Gov. Michael Dukakis sought to block Seabrook nuclear power plant, just over the border to the north.  Dukakis is still protesting nuclear power. Gregg is now co-chairman of Nuclear Matters, which advances the perspective that nuclear plants are "vital national assets that provide reliable, carbon-free electricity to tens of millions of households." Nuclear plants also offer an alternative to natural gas, which is becoming the dominant source of electricity in the region. While nuclear plants run relatively clean, they are also forced to keep on-site the dangerous spent fuel because there is not yet a national repository to store the radioactive waste from power plants. Residents, particularly in and around the state's remaining operating nuclear power plant, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth, also worry about a meltdown, potentially triggered by some other event. Proponents of diversifying the region's energy sources often look to Canadian hydroelectric power or on-shore wind from northern New England rather than nuclear. The event is hosted by Bloomberg BNA, which provides "legal, regulatory, and business information." Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of Nuclear Energy at the Department of Energy John Kotek, and Bloomberg nuclear analyst Chris Gadomski will moderate. Other participants are Entergy Wholesale Commodities President William Mohl, Dominion Resources Vice President of Corporate Affairs Daniel Weekley, Lightbridge CEO Seth Grae, Terrestrial Energy CEO Simon Irish, NuScale Chief Financial Officer Jay Surina, and MIT Nuclear Fuel Cycle Project Executive Director Charles Forsberg. (Wednesday, 8:30 a.m., Westin Boston Copley Place)
POLITO AT JUDGE'S NIGHT: Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito offers remarks at "Judge's Night." (Wednesday, 6:45 p.m., The Log Cabin, 500 Easthampton Rd., Holyoke)
JUDICIARY COMMITTEE: The Judiciary Committee meets, with 51 probate and family-related bills on the docket. Bills on the agenda include a Sen. Creem proposal relative to the recording of judgments, decrees and orders of the Probate and Family Court (S 753); a Sen. Joyce proposal relative to the custody of minors (S 845); a Rep. Bradley proposal on exclusive Probate Court jurisdiction regarding abuse prevention orders affecting minors (H 1186); a Rep. Poirier proposal providing visitation rights for great-grandparents (H 1540); a Rep. Silvia proposal preventing foreclosures by reducing regulations for small business property owners (H 1595); a Rep. Frost proposal permitting the adoption of embryos (H 1302); and a Rep. Fernandes proposal relative to access to a decedent's electronic mail accounts (H 1287). Full agenda here: (Wednesday, 1 p.m., Room A-2)
HEALTH POLICY COMMISSION: The Health Policy Commission's Executive Director David Seltz will participate on a panel at the 20th Annual Public Health Policy Forum regarding health care reform. (Wednesday, 7 p.m., Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester Street, Brookline)
HEALTH CARE WORKFORCE GRADUATION: The Healthcare Training Institute will hold a graduation ceremony for 50 health care training graduates. Jewish Vocational Service President & CEO Jerry Rubin will be in attendance, along with John Barros, Chief of Economic Development of the City of Boston. (Wednesday, 3:30 p.m., Boston Children's Hospital, 1 Autumn St., Longwood Medical Area)
STATE OF THE NATION'S HOUSING REPORT: The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies will release its 2015 State of the Nation's Housing Report with a live webcast from the Ford Foundation and Twitter questions at the hashtag #harvardhousingreport. Jim Zarroli, a reporter at NPR, will moderate the conversation with Don Chen, Director of Metropolitan Opportunity, Ford Foundation; Lynn Fisher, VP of Research and Economics, Mortgage Bankers Association; Chris Herbert, Managing Director, Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies; Celia Smoot, Director of Housing, Local Initiatives Support Corporation; and Paul Weech, President and CEO, Neighbor Works America. The report is embargoed until the day of the webcast which will be broadcast (Wednesday, noon)
FACILITIES ASSESSMENT SUBCOMMITTEE: The Massachusetts School Building Authority holds a meeting of its Facilities Assessment Subcommittee. District presentations will be made by the Newton, Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical High School and the Narragansett Regional School District. (Wednesday, 9:30 a.m., 40 Broad St.)
STATE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE: The Legislature's State Administration and Regulatory Oversight Committee takes up the topic of procurement through 28 bills on its docket. The bills include a Sen. Flanagan proposal relative to timely decisions by awarding authorities (S 1644); a Sen. Spilka proposal providing for the disposition of surplus state real property based on smart growth land use policies (S 1719); a Rep. Heroux bill on procuring public products or services from Massachusetts or the United States (H 2749); and a Rep. Ayers bill directing the inspector general to conduct a study of leasing practices utilized by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (H 2712). Full agenda here: (Wednesday, 11 a.m., Room 222)
NORTHEAST ENERGY DIRECT PROJECT: The Department of Public Utilities holds an evidentiary hearing on the petition of Boston Gas Company, d/b/a National Grid and Bay State Gas Company d/b/a Columbia Gas of Massachusetts, for approval of a 25-year Firm Transportation Agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, involving an expansion of Tennessee's interstate pipeline running from Wright, New York to Dracut, Massachusetts, known as the Northeast Energy Direct Project and on the petition of The Berkshire Gas Company for approval of a precedent agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC. (Wednesday, 10 a.m., One South Station, Boston - 5th floor, HR A.)
GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL: The Governor's Council will hold its regular weekly meeting. Councilors are waiting on Gov. Baker to make his first judicial nomination. (Wednesday, 12 p.m., Governor's Council Chambers)
LIFE SCIENCES CENTER: The Massachusetts Life Sciences Center will hold a board meeting. Founding president and CEO Susan Windham-Bannister said her goodbyes at the last meeting, having announced her intention to resign about a year ago. Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash will preside. (Wednesday, 2 p.m., 1 Ashburton Place, 21st Floor, Boston)
DOWNING, ROSENBERG CAMPUS TOUR: Sen. Benjamin Downing will host Senate President Stanley Rosenberg in Pittsfield for a series of events. They will tour the campus of Berkshire Community College with President Ellen Kennedy and senior staff to review BCC's accomplishments and concerns. North Adams Mayor Dick Alcombright and Pittsfield Mayor Dan Bianchi will join them. (Wednesday, 11:30 a.m., BCC Campus, 1350 West St., Pittsfield)
HEALTH POLICY COMMISSION: The Health Policy Commission's Executive Director David Seltz will participate on a panel at the 20th Annual Public Health Policy Forum  regarding health care reform.  (Wednesday, 7 p.m., Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester Street, Brookline)
HOMEOWNER ADVOCATE APPRECIATION EVENT: Attorney General Healey, Sen. Eldridge, and Brenda Clement, Executive Director of Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) plan to gather to celebrate the achievements of Homeowner Advocates. (Wednesday, 12:30 p.m., NeighborWorks HomeOwnership Center of Central Massachusetts, 138 Green St., Suite 4, Worcester)
DOWNING, ROSENBERG LTI GROUP SITE VISIT: Sen. Downing and Senate President Rosenberg plan a manufacturing conversation and site visit with The LTI Group, a provider of laminated glass and polymer products to various industries. They will be joined by Jeff Besse, President/Co-owner of LTI Group, John Martino, Co-owner of LTI Group, Pittsfield Mayor Dan Bianchi, and others. (Wednesday, 3 p.m., LTI Smart Glass, 14 Federico Drive, Pittsfield)
HEALEY AT HOMECORPS MEETING: Attorney General Maura Healey will attend a Community Based HomeCorps meeting to thank the homeowner advocates who, through grant funding, have worked with her office for the last year. (Wednesday, 1 p.m., Homeownership Center of Central Massachusetts, 138 Green St., Worcester)
SENATE, HOUSE INFORMALS: The Senate and House plan to meet for informal sessions. (Thursday, 11 a.m., Senate Chamber)
FRAMINGHAM ECONOMIC TRENDS: Maureen Dunne, a professor at the MetroWest Economic Research Center, plans to present findings from a report she conducts on employment trends in Framingham.   Thursday's forum will feature a discussion among Sen. Karen Spilka (D-Ashland), Framingham State University Board Chair Joseph Burchill, Ameresco CEO George Sakellaris, and Framingham Economic Development and Industrial Corporation Board Chair Michael Gatlin.  (Thursday, 7:30 a.m., 1657 Worcester Road, Framingham)
NORTHEAST ENERGY DIRECT PROJECT: The Department of Public Utilities holds an evidentiary hearing on the petition of Boston Gas Company, d/b/a National Grid and Bay State Gas Company d/b/a Columbia Gas of Massachusetts, for approval of a 25-year Firm Transportation Agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, involving an expansion of Tennessee's interstate pipeline running from Wright, New York to Dracut, Massachusetts, known as the Northeast Energy Direct Project and on the petition of The Berkshire Gas Company for approval of a precedent agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC. (Thursday, 10 a.m., One South Station, Boston - 5th Floor, HR A)
ROTARY CLUB OF CAMBRIDGE: Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan will speak to the Rotary Club of Cambridge at Fire & Ice. (Thursday, 1 p.m., 50 Church St., Cambridge)
ROSENBERG IN NORTHAMPTON: Senate President Stanley Rosenberg speaks at a regional meeting of the Massachusetts Selectmen's Association. (Thursday, 6 p.m., Union Station, Northampton)
MASS RETIREMENT BOARD: State Treasurer Deb Goldberg will chair the Massachusetts State Retirement Board meeting. (Thursday, 10 a.m., MSRB Headquarters, One Winter St., 8th Floor)
BOSTON HARBOR ISLAND ALLIANCE GALA: The Spectacle on Georges Island, the Boston Harbor Island Alliance's annual gala, will raise funds for the alliance's mission to expand access to the Boston Harbor Island National and State Park, to invest in park infrastructure and educational, recreational and cultural programs. Round-trip ferry service will be running throughout the evening from Long Wharf in Boston. (Thursday, 6 p.m., Georges Island)
PRE-FOURTH OF JULY PRESSER: Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Matt Beaton attends a pre-Fourth of July press conference coordinated by the Massachusetts State Police. (Thursday, 10:30 a.m., Hatch Memorial Shell, 47 David G Mugar Way, Boston)
RAIL TRAIL GROUNDBREAKING: Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack attends the groundbreaking for Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. The proposed rail trail will run through Lowell, Chelmsford, Westford, Carlisle, Acton, Concord, Sudbury and Framingham in Massachusetts. The trail follows a 25-mile route of the old New Haven Railroad Framingham and Lowell Line. (Thursday, 11 a.m., 25 Ledge Rock Way, Acton)
OFF-RECORD EBOLA DISCUSSION: Less than a year ago an outbreak of Ebola in western African countries sparked global concern, and launched an effort by Cambridge-based Diagnostics For All to develop a tool to test whether individuals are infected with the virus. On Thursday, the State Department's former Deputy Coordinator for Ebola Response Andrew Weber will participate in a lunch hosted by the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Until last October, Weber was assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs. The event is off-the-record, and attendees must agree to comply with the center's "strict policy against recording or disclosing the contents of the lunch." (Thursday, 12:15 p.m., Belfer Center Library)
HEALEY AT ELM BREAKFAST: Attorney General Maura Healey will be the guest speaker at the Environmental League of Massachusetts Corporate Council Breakfast and will discuss her energy and environmental priorities for the office. (Thursday, 8:30 a.m., Boston College Club, 100 Federal St., Boston)
AG OFFICE HOURS: Attorney General Maura Healey will attend the first "AGO Office Hours" that aims to bring the attorney general's office into the community to provide information about what the office does. (Thursday, 4 p.m., Boys and Girls Club, 115 Warren St., Roxbury)
AG AT CORPORATE COUNSEL EVENT: Attorney General Maura Healey will speak at the Association of Corporate Counsel Northeast Summer Gathering event about her priorities for the office and about her first few months as attorney general. (Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Moakley U.S. Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Boston)
WESTERN MASS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Director of Policy and Communications Paul McMorrow and Regional Director Debra Boronski will participate in a roundtable discussion. (Thursday, 12:30 p.m., Tower Square, UMass Campus Center, 1500 Main St, Springfield)
CENTRAL MASS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Assistant Secretary for Technology and Innovation Katie Stebbins and Regional Director Jon Golnik will participate in a roundtable discussion. (Thursday, 1 p.m., Quinsigamond Community College, 670 W. Boylston St, Worcester)
MERRIMACK VALLEY/METROWEST DEVELOPMENT: Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Jay Ash, Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Ronald Walker II, and Regional Director Peter Milano will participate in an economic development roundtable. (Thursday, 1 p.m., Federal Building, 50 Kearney Square, Lowell)
NORTH SHORE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Deputy Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Carolyn Kirk and Regional Director Maria DiStefano participate in an economic development roundtable discussion. (Thursday, 1 p.m., North Shore, Community College, 300 Broad St, Lynn)
GREATER BOSTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Assistant Secretary for Business Growth Mike Kennealy and Regional Director Dick Dalton participate in a roundtable discussion. (Thursday, 1 p.m., Lower Level, North Tower - Presidents Place Conference Center, Quincy College, 1250 Hancock St, Quincy)
SOUTHERN MASS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Assistant Secretary for Business Development Nam Pham and Regional Director Maria Marasco participate in a roundtable discussion. (Thursday, 1 p.m., Cape Cod Community College, 2240 Iyannough Rd, West Barnstable)
FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 2015
BAKER IN BRAINTREE: Gov. Charlie Baker speaks at Braintree's 375th anniversary 'Canon' Ball. (Friday, 8 p.m., Braintree Town Hall, 1 John F. Kennedy Memorial Drive, Braintree)
NORTHEAST ENERGY DIRECT PROJECT: The Department of Public Utilities holds an evidentiary hearing on the petition of Boston Gas Company, d/b/a National Grid and Bay State Gas Company d/b/a Columbia Gas of Massachusetts, for approval of a 25-year Firm Transportation Agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, involving an expansion of Tennessee's interstate pipeline running from Wright, New York to Dracut, Massachusetts, known as the Northeast Energy Direct Project and on the petition of The Berkshire Gas Company for approval of a precedent agreement with Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC. (Friday, 10 a.m., One South Station, Boston - 5th Floor, HR A)
2024 OLYMPIC HEARING: Boston City Council President Bill Linehan, chair of the Special Committee on the 2024 Olympics, will be chairing a 2024 Olympic hearing. The hearing will focus on the financing of operations and venue development, and the best way to ensure that residents of Boston are protected from being obligated to fund the games. (Friday, 9:30 a.m., Boston City Hall, Iannella Chamber, 5th Floor)
OPIOID DISCUSSION: Gov. Charlie Baker, Attorney General Maura Healey and Boston Mayor Marty Walsh will participate in a roundtable discussion on NECN about the ongoing opiate overdose epidemic. (Friday, 6 p.m., NECN)
ZERO NET ENERGY ADVISORY COUNCIL: Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Judson will provide opening remarks at the Zero Net Energy Advisory Council meeting. (Friday, 9:30 a.m., 100 Cambridge St 2nd Floor, Boston)
MEMORIAL AVE. ROTARY REPLACEMENT: MassDOT is constructing improvements to two overpasses carrying Memorial Avenue over US Route 5 in West Springfield. The following roads will be closed: all traffic on the Memorial Bridge (east and westbound); Route 5 northbound between the North End Bridge (Route 20) and the South End Bridge (Route 57 - vehicles may access Bondi's Island transfer station facility); Route 5 north and southbound ramps to Memorial Ave. eastbound; and sidewalks on the westbound bridge. All roads will reopen to traffic at 5 a.m. on Tuesday, June 30. (Friday, 10 p.m., Memorial Ave. over US Route 5, West Springfield)
ROSENBERG IN GREENFIELD: Senate President Stanley Rosenberg attends the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce's legislative breakfast. (Friday, 7:30 a.m., Terrazza Ristorante, 244 Country Club Rd., Greenfield)
MBTA LATE NIGHT SERVICE: Changes are coming to MBTA late-night service, effective Saturday night and Sunday morning. The last subway trains will depart downtown stations at approximately 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights; this will also be the latest time to make connections between subway lines. Bus routes 15, 22, 71, 74 and 77 will be eliminated and frequency on all other bus routes and rail lines will be reduced.  The T says its plans will continue the service "when demand is greatest." More details can be found here. welcomes thoughtful comments and the varied opinions of our readers. We are in no way obligated to post or allow comments that our moderators deem inappropriate. We reserve the right to delete comments we perceive as profane, vulgar, threatening, offensive, racially-biased, homophobic, slanderous, hateful or just plain rude. Commenters may not attack or insult other commenters, readers or writers. Commenters who persist in posting inappropriate comments will be banned from commenting on
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