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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

'Grieving' ponies keep all-night roadside vigil after herd member killed by motorist

You couldn't slow down? Or swerve to avoid the pony?
America does not have a monopoly on idiots.

'Grieving' ponies keep all-night roadside vigil after herd member killed by motorist

Mother and half-sister of animal 'definitely showing signs of distress'

A herd of “grieving” ponies appeared to keep an all-night roadside vigil after one of their family members was killed by a motorist.
Sarah Simmons shared an image of the scene on social media in a bid to urge drivers to slow down in the New Forest, where ponies are allowed to roam freely. 
“Broke my heart this morning seeing another pony killed on the Forest Road. Even more that her friends were looking on,” Ms Simmons wrote
The animal’s owner, Cathy Stride, told The Independent they were unable to move it until the following day due to a lack of light, after it was died shortly after 5pm on 8 January.
She said the rest of the tight-knit herd, which included its mother and half-sister, were waiting there all night, “definitely showing signs of distress”.
Ms Simmons shared the image of the dead pony, which was called Hazelhill Scrap, on Facebook the following morning.


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