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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Jeff Jacoby, Just Another Think Tank Loon

The ability of the Think Tank Loons to present their lunacy credibly inspires admiration and if not gales of laughter, at least stifled snickers. And confession is in order: Jeff Jacoby's one sided propaganda was so conspicuous, I ceased reading long ago, about the time he laid out a well-reasoned argument for invading yet another Sovereign Nation, Iran, as we were/are mired in two other invasions/occupations. So much for the ChickenHawks. But I digress.
Today's column, Skepticism on climate change, focuses on Heartland Institute as if somehow, it was a valid scientific source, instead of a Right Wing funded Think Tank, narrowly focused on perpetuating an ideology. And some of their scientific conclusions are irrational.
Instead of commenting on the validity of Climate Change, for which there is more than overwhelming evidence, like atmospheric CO2 levels, methane releases and ice melts, allow me to focus on arguments that are ignored.
During the recent high oil prices, T. Boone Pickens carefully explained that WORLD INVENTORIES of oil had been exhausted because the world was consuming 86 million barrels of oil each day, but producing only 84 million barrels each day and that we are not going to find the oil to continue to increase consumption.
Books have been written and articles widely circulated in the international media about Saudi Arabia having reached Peak Oil production several years ago.
Those long gas lines of the past were caused by the US having reached Peak Oil Production.
We can continue to destroy our environment and pretend as we choose, but there is no promise that oil is unlimited.
Each recent military adventure of the US, each country labelled with 'terrorist' fighting and each country immersed in fighting and unrest has energy or resources as a cause.
The US military is being used as a mercenary force to defend and protect oil/energy companies. As in the case of Afghanistan, it has, at its core, a gas pipeline.
The US, with 6% of the world's population, consumes 25% of the world's energy and resources. The US has the greatest per capita energy consumption in the world. The US has the greatest per capita production of pollution. The US has the lowest auto efficiency standards, even lower than China. And while the Think Tank mantra is that US production is higher than the rest of the world, t'aint so.
The US has been wasteful of energy because of failed leadership.
The US automakers produce more efficient vehicles for overseas markets, but have whined and complained about increased CAFE standards and helped dig us into our energy hole.
Had all of the money wasted on defending and pretending the fallacy of Climate Change been better spent, solutions would be readily available.
Had all of the money spent invading and occupying a Sovereign Nation that posed no threat, Iraq, been invested in alternative energy, the US would be energy independent.
Thanks for listening. I'm going back to my previous policy of not reading Jeff Jacoby, but thanks for the laughs. It's better for the blood pressure and reduces global warming, in my own way, but some of the comments in the Globe are worth reading for entertainment value!


Anonymous said...

Too much hot air for that one. Wasted effort.

Anonymous said...

This was addressed in Assault on Reason. Great book, BTW.
Unfortunately, there remain vocal ideologues that have a platform that appears valid. The argument is presented in a manner that appears reasonable while the source is invalid and judging from the comments, his words will be accepted without challenge.
The legacy of Think Tanks that present information intended to confuse is of greater urgency when the rate of well informed citizens is declining.

Anonymous said...

This is the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of the world. $700 billion is borrowed from China and sent to OPEC members, enriching them, indebting us.
Above all, this is the greatest single factor, more important than those you listed, that should compel us to reduce our consumption.