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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Something Happened Along The Way............

Waves of settlers on the US shores were misfits who refused to conform,
remain silent to a government or religion with which they disagreed or
surrender to tyranny.

They must have been ornery and determined individuals to endure
the hardships, the loss of life, disease and perils, separation from
their culture, roots and language and embrace the unknown for a
better life.

Something partisan happened in "Washington" that trickled down
to the countryside
that condemned differences and diversity, convinced many of the
existence of some sort of national identity with which mindless
conformity was demanded and insisted that we all must somehow

Instead of the appreciation for other viewpoints or better ideas,
or even of potential compromise, a belief spread that condemned
those who disagreed. Toleration, diversity and more
importantly, LISTENING were trashed.

Incorporated within that disdain, was an abandonment of FACTS,
a willingness to accept and embrace the opinion of others,
failing to conduct our own personal Due Diligence, our own reasoned
and reflective consideration of the issue.

Rhetorical tactics were employed and repeated endlessly in the media
to seep into the mind. One of the most effective has been labeling.

Apply a label and you can dismiss differences without consideration.
Apply a label and you can hate.
Apply a label and you can target.
Apply a label and you simply don't have to listen.

Another effective tactic has been the dismissal of contrary evidence,
and destruction of analytical thinking. Formulate an opinion and
dismiss all contrary evidence, even if it's the Truth.
That's the scientific method after all, isn't it?

I've often wondered about my Quaker roots, residing on a known path of the
Underground Railroad. Did they quietly stand for what was morally
correct, violating the law?

Might we not draw parallels to those who opposed the casino because it
was morally wrong, in addition to all of the other arguments?

Many willingly discarded the foundation of what has made the country great and
what separated its success from others who failed along the way.
even as they wave the false flag of Patriotism, for how can Patriotism
be anathema to the Founders' creation?

The Founding Fathers created a Grand Experiment based upon a well
informed citizenry, willing to debate the facts in a reasonable manner
in a public forum.

As Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention, on September 18, 1787, a certain Mrs. Powel shouted out to him: “Well, doctor, what have we got?,” and Franklin responded: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Harpers

Have we kept it when we are no longer well informed and
unwilling to publicly debate the facts?

The trickle down effect trickled down to Middleboro without notice.

Middleboro endured 2 Chairmen of the Board of Selectmen and a Town Manager
who silenced the opposition and practiced their own version of tyranny.

One Chairman simply ignored dissent. The other, gaveled them to silence,
while allowing cheers and applause from supporters.

Those who cheered failed to notice the tyranny.

Tyranny of the MOB?

That we disagree on a single issue should not sabotage agreement on other

And that the single issue upon which the dissension was created appears
unlikely to succeed should not inhibit future progress.

As the New Year approaches, it's a time of reflection and reconsideration
of what's important for the Town's future.

As Bellicose Bumpkin point out in 12/16 CPA meeting summary --
This was the very first time since the "C" came, that I really felt that there
was hope for the town to come together and work together on something
without a cloud hanging over everything.

Maybe it's a time to give serious consideration to the Community Preservation
Act as a way of preserving the Town's future and making your voice heard about
why you moved to Middleboro. There are a number of townspeople who have
voiced support for CPA and have begun circulating petitions for the required
signatures to place the question on the April ballot.

We've had our differences and can continue to differ, but we can also
display the maturity to come together on an issue the represents
where we go from here and the legacy we leave behind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I support it and have downloaded the petition.