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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Friday, June 6, 2014

Help Defeat the Koch Sock Puppet, Scooter Brown in New Hampshire!

Scooter Brown: Sexy as a center fold, loser as elected official! 

Senator Jeanne Shaheen has stood for All Americans against vested interests and the Kochs have targeted her with the Sock Puppet. 

Massachusetts voters had the sense to toss Scooter Brown out of office, but the Carpetbagger invaded New Hampshire. 

Scooter Brown returned from Washington to lobby for his best bud, Sticky Fingers Piontkowski for a Slot Barn license. 

Scooter Brown accepted campaign contributions from the New England Compounding Fiasco that sickened and killed so many.....

....Brown said there was absolutely no connection between his signing the letter and his fund-raising from industry officials.

Jeanne Shaheen

Keep Scott Brown out of the Senate. Contribute.
Do you feel like there’s something about Scott Brown that’s just not right, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Let me help you out.
How about “everyman” Brown’s recent, paid speaking engagement at a Wall Street conference in Vegas? Or his lobbying of GOP senators to kill a landmark, bipartisan energy bill to deny Jeanne a legislative win?
Or brand-new revelations that Brown accepted a seat on the board of a shady Florida company in exchange for $1.3 million in stock (and resigned shortly after filing today)?
There are plenty of reasons to keep Scott Brown out of the Senate – but the biggest is that we can’t lose our Democratic majority – or middle-class champion Jeanne Shaheen.
Brown just filed to be on the ballot today, so we’ve set a $200,000 goal to build our grassroots campaign to defeat him. Help us hit it with a contribution now.
If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation to Jeanne's campaign will go through immediately:
Scott Brown pretends to be an average guy in a dusty pickup, but you and I both know he stands for Big Oil and wealthy financiers, not middle-class families.
Here’s the problem: those big-money special interests who want Brown back in the Senate are going to spend the next six months – and untold millions – attacking Jeanne. And we’ve seen enough from these extreme Super PACs to know that if unanswered, their attacks can work.
It’s up to us to help Jeanne fight back with the truth about her record of fighting for New Hampshire’s families, veterans, and small businesses – and expose Brown’s years of shilling for the dark-money fat cats flooding our airwaves with nasty ads. Please help us make Friday’s online goal with a contribution now.
Thanks for stepping up to keep Scott “Shameless” Brown from stealing our seat – and the special interests from snaking a GOP majority.

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