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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, June 1, 2014

RSN: Elizabeth Warren Leads Progressive Charge, but Has GOP Admirers Too, Hidden-Camera Captured Kentucky Coal Ash Dumping, Tim DeChristopher: The Boomers "Failed" Us, et al

Elizabeth Warren, a newcomer to political office, trashed former Senator Scooter Brown, Koch Sock Puppet,  in a grassroots campaign to represent Massachusetts in the Senate. [That Sock Puppet and carpetbagger is currently running against Senator Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire.] 

Massachusetts deserves to be proud of its choice! 

Senator Warren has stood tall, represented ALL Americans and spoken Truth to Power! 

It's time to take government back from the Kochs, stop believing their fibs, lies, fabrications, falsehoods and propaganda. Make the Koch Sock Puppets irrelevant because they are!

Please support those candidates with the backbone to stand for a Progressive Future by contributing to their campaigns even if you can only afford a modest contribution, donate your time and make a few phone calls, get involved.

Democracy is NOT a Spectator Sport!

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Reader Supported News

Bernie Sanders Woos Iowa Activists
Will Bernie run? (photo:
Ben Jacobs, The Daily Beast
Jacob writes: "Bernie Sanders didn't just play a one night stand when he spoke to Democrats in Clinton County, Iowa on Saturday night. The Daily Beast has learned that Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont contemplating a 2016 presidential bid as a Democrat, spent Sunday and Monday in the Hawkeye State meeting with liberal activists."
Elizabeth Warren Leads Progressive Charge, but Has GOP Admirers Too
Niels Lesniewski and Bridget Bowman, Roll Call
Excerpt: "'What reaction do you usually expect from banks?' Sen. Elizabeth Warren asked a reporter last week. It was classic Warren."
Jim Hightower | 5 Signs That America Has Gone Bonkers - And a Glimmer of Hope
Jim Hightower, AlterNet
Hightower writes: "It might appear that the U-S-of-A has gone bonkers. So let me clear up any confusion that you might have: Yes, it has!"
Unnecessary and Disproportionate: How the NSA Violates International Human Rights Standards
David Greene and Katitza Rodriguez, Electronic Frontier Foundation
Excerpt: "We are now able to look at how the NSA's mass surveillance programs, which we have learned about in the past year, fare when compared to the Necessary and Proportionate Principles. As you might expect, the NSA programs do not fare well."
Jim Wallis | This Will Change How You See Immigration
Jim Wallis, Sojourners
Wallis writes: "The Stranger is a new 45-minute documentary created to introduce Christians to the stories and lives of immigrants living in this country. Interviews with pastors, Christian leaders, and policy experts provide a biblically based context for the immigration challenges that face our country today."
Tim DeChristopher: The Boomers "Failed" Us
Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine
van Gelder writes: "Tim DeChristopher woke up knowing he would somehow protest an auction of oil and gas leases on federal lands in Utah's red rock country. How he would make his views known, though, was a mystery. When an official at the auction asked him if he was there to bid on land parcels, he agreed. That seemed like a good place to start."
Hidden-Camera Captured Kentucky Coal Ash Dumping
Brandon Baker, EcoWatch
Baker writes: "Two months have passed since hidden-camera images exposed Louisville Gas & Electric (LG&E) for dumping toxic coal ash into the Ohio River - a practice the company has engaged in for two decades. The utility has done nothing in response, so two environmental groups figure it's time to pay up."

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