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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

RSN: Obama's Amazing Takedown of Climate Deniers,Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iraq?, 7 Myths About the Radical Sunni Advance in Iraq,

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Steve Weissman | Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iraq?
George W. Bush. (photo: Reuters/Larry Downing)
Steve Weissman, Reader Supported News
Weissman writes: “From the sage of NSA surveillance Glenn Greenwald to the prophet of a new American populism Peter Beinart to my old friend from London the political reprobate Christopher Hitchens, a lot of extremely brainy people with liberal or left-wing pedigrees initially backed George W. Bush’s disastrous war in Iraq. What a marvelous thing, they thought, to overthrow a terrible tyrant like Saddam Hussein.”
Juan Cole | 7 Myths About the Radical Sunni Advance in Iraq
Juan Cole, Informed Comment
Cole writes: “Already in the past week and a half, many assertions are becoming commonplace in the inside-the-Beltway echo chamber about Iraq’s current crisis that are poorly grounded in knowledge of the country. Here are some sudden truisms that should be rethought.”
Lawyers: Gitmo Stops Filming Force-Feedings
Amel Ahmed, Al Jazeera America
Ahmed writes: “Lawyers of force-fed Guantanamo detainee Abu Wa'el Dhiab have entered into evidence, as part of a lawsuit filed on the prisoner's behalf, three videos of their client undergoing enteral feeding in response to statements made by another detainee alleging that Dhiab was subjected to abusive treatment.”
Big Oil and Big Guns: Not So Strange Bedfellows
Jamie Tarabay, Al Jazeera America
Tarabay writes: “Oil and gas donations to advocacy groups relate to issues of oil and gas exploration on land and offshore, climate change, tax increases and approving the Keystone pipeline. But recent research by liberal groups suggests that millions of dollars have also been going to gun groups, such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Safari Club International (SCI), for purposes that seemingly contradict the platforms those groups purport to represent.”
Obama's Amazing Takedown of Climate Deniers
Lindsay Abrams, Salon
Abrams writes: “President Obama pulled few punches in the commencement address he delivered Saturday to UC Irvine’s graduating class, calling climate deniers ‘a fairly serious threat to everybody’s future’ and, more profoundly, calling upon the next generation to step up and take action where their political system has failed them.”
GMO Companies Are Dousing Hawaiian Island With Toxic Pesticides
Paul Koberstein, Grist
Koberstein writes: “The island of Kauai, Hawaii, has become Ground Zero in the intense domestic political battle over genetically modified crops. But the fight isn’t just about the merits or downsides of GMO technology. It’s also about regular old pesticides.”

Earthquake Strikes 20 Miles From Fukushima
Lauren McCauley, Common Dreams
McCauley writes: “According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, one quake measuring magnitude 5.8 and another measuring 5.6 struck off the coast of Honsu—Japan's largest and most populated island—overnight.”

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