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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

NEVER HILLARY!, Kerry's Road Show promotes TTIP [Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership], Screw Europe! et al

US KILLING INNOCENTS and Creating more terrorists!

Dozens of civilians, including children, were killed on Monday 
and Tuesday by U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria.The strikes appeared to 
have been a mistake, with the…

How noble of him.
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R) explained on Tuesday that a new policy that 
could cut off food stamps for thousands of people in his state would be 
“ennobling” for…

ThinkProgress shared ThinkProgress's post.
The Jewish conspiracy strikes again.


US Secretary of State John Kerry said today (18 July) that concluding 
the TTIP agreement before the end of President Barack Obama's 
term in office remains his country’s priority, and that he was going 
to tour EU countries to make this happen.

Not only will I be voting against Hillary, I will be voting against the 
hacks who supported her. Against the superdelegates, 
against the system, against Wall…

Daniel Clint shared a link.
And if you, like the Bush family, are a Conservative who won't vote for Donald Trump in November, you are also working to elect Hillary Clinton.

Mike Huckabee played "Eye of the Tiger" at a Kim Davis rally 
last year without permission of the band Survivor, and now he's paying 
the band's guitarist $25,000.

do NOT make me sabotage vote for trump..
Whoa! 91.41% of Bernie Sanders supporters will NOT support 
Hillary Clinton if she is nominee! I have spent the last three months 
compiling data over three…

A document leaked by a hacker who took responsibility for the Democratic National Committee data breach appears to show the DNC coordinating with Hillary Clinton from the start of the presidential campaign — just as Bernie Sanders has claimed.
A document to the DNC dated May 26, 2015 — a month after Sanders kicked off his presidential bid — declared that “our goals & strategy” are to “provide a contrast between the GOP field and HRC.”
HRC stands for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
The document, posted online by the hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” outlines ways to hit back at the GOP presidential field, such as “use specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency and campaign finance attacks on HRC.”
The author of the document is not listed. The DNC stayed officially neutral during the prolonged primary between Clinton and Sanders.
But some Sanders backers say the document shows what they’ve felt all along: The system was rigged in favor of Clinton.
“With proof that ‪#‎Bernie‬ never even had a chance, I shall double down and vote ‪#‎BernieOrBust‬ in Nov. @TheDemocrats,” tweeted a Sanders supporter from Chicago.
A document leaked by a hacker who took responsibility for the 
Democratic National Committee data breach appears to show 
the DNC coordinating with Hillary…

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