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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, November 27, 2016

John Bolton? More WAR?

"This is a calculated move by the neocons. Ever since Obama got the peace agreement with Iran, It lifted sanctions on Iran, and they started their oil production up, which brought the price of oil below $60 a barrel. That's what killed the Keystone Pipeline, because the oil sands are so expensive to refine, oil must be above that price. If they isolate or go to war with Iran, the price of oil will go back up again and put the Keystone back into play. You can count oil prices surging well above $60 bbl with these crooks."

Folks, Please do your homework!
PLEASE NOTE: Israel has inspectors on the ground, inside Iran! Israel is satisfied with the agreement.
The description by those involved with the negotiations of this agreement have described the difficulties.
It's always easier to bomb than negotiate a difficult agreement fraught with great peril.
Let's not forget that during Iran/Contra, the US armed both Iran and Iraq with WMD to fight each other, the US provided strategic advice.
The Eisenhower Administration, the Dulles Brothers overthrew a democratically elected leader, Mossadagh, to protect the British Monarchy's Cash Cow, BP. The US then installed the Brutal Shah....don't think people forget that the US can't be trusted.
Bolton is a Wack-A-Ding with a long and disturbing history
PNAC was about American Empire - most of the Co-Founders are CHICKEN HAWKS - never served in the military - drft dodgers:
Project for the New American Century…/Project_for_the_New_American_Cen…
Bolton, John R. - War Criminals Watch…/36-the-culp…/67-john-r-bolton
Horrifying, personal John Bolton story
John Bolton could very well be the next Secretary of State, and 
he’s already saying that we some old fashioned “regime change” 
in Iran – I guess he forgot how the last “regime change” scheme 
the United States tried to pull ended. The Ring of…

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