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Friday, December 23, 2016

RSN: Noam Chomsky: The US Has a History of Supporting Muslim Extremists in the Middle East

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Noam Chomsky: The US Has a History of Supporting Muslim Extremists in the Middle East 
Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston. (photo: Andrew Rusk/Flickr)
Daily Mirror 
Excerpt: "What state power does, and propaganda usually follows, is (to) find what will support a power interest. In these cases imperial policy. If it happens to be radical Islam that's fine. At the same time we might be fighting radical Islam somewhere else." 
Black Family Brutalized by Texas Police When Trying to Report a Man Assaulting Their Child 
Shaun King, New York Daily News 
King writes: "Black folk don't need to create fake videos to expose injustice, the injustice is real all by itself." 
Donald Trump Is Holding a Government Casting Call. He's Seeking 'The Look.' 
Philip Rucker and Karen Tumulty, The Washington Post 
Excerpt: "Donald Trump believes that those who aspire to the most visible spots in his administration should not just be able to do the job, but also look the part." 
Registry Used to Track Arabs and Muslims Dismantled by Obama Administration 
Ed Pilkington, Guardian UK 
Pilkington writes: "The Obama administration is dismantling a discriminatory surveillance system that was used after 9/11 to keep tabs on Arabs and Muslims across the US, in a move that will make it more difficult for president-elect Donald Trump to achieve his goal of introducing a Muslim registry." 
Six Generic Drug Makers Caught in Price-Fixing Conspiracy 
Dan Wright, Shadowproof 
Wright writes: "Last Thursday, attorneys general in 20 states sued six generic drug makers for conspiring to increase prices on generic medications to boost profits." 
White Nationalists Raise Millions With Tax-Exempt Charities 
Michael Kunzelman, Associated Press 
Kunzelman writes: "The federal government has allowed four groups at the forefront of the white nationalist movement to register as charities and raise more than $7.8 million in tax-deductible donations over the past decade." 
New Rule Protecting Waterways From Coal Mining Will Be Early Target of Trump Administration 
Natasha Geiling, ThinkProgress 
Geiling writes: "The Department of the Interior finalized a rule Monday aimed at protecting waterways from coal mining pollution. It's a rule the administration has been working on for nearly all of President Barack Obama's time in office - and it's likely to be one of the first regulation to come under fire when President-elect Donald Trump takes office next month." 

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