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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money

Welcome to Trump's America and Occupy Democrats shared a link.
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A congressional paper looks closely and finds no increased growth or investment, just a windfall for business owners.

« When assessing these arguments, keep a close eye on the number of Republican officials or conservative policy-makers who revise their position on the Trump tax cuts in light of the data. If their true primary goal was to increase business investment, then the complete failure of a highly expensive program to achieve its stated goal would lead them to question their support. Why not cancel the Trump tax cuts and use the couple trillion dollars in lost revenue to fund a more effective growth-promoting policy?
So far, the number of Republicans reassessing their support for the Trump tax cuts is, give or take, zero. What this suggests is that the alleged growth-incentivizing secondary effects of the plan were rationales, and the primary effect — giving business owners more money — was the hidden main goal all along. »

TRUMP'S SHAME: "The study from the Congressional Research Service finds that none of those promised secondary effects have materialized. Growth has not increased above the pre-tax-cut trend. Neither have wages."
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