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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Garrison Keillor | Thoughts While Waiting in Line for Coffee

Reader Supported News
10 November 19

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09 November 19
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Garrison Keillor | Thoughts While Waiting in Line for Coffee
Garrison Keillor. (photo: MPR)
Garrison Keillor, Garrison Keillor's Website
Keillor writes: "I walked into a coffee shop Monday morning and stood in line for a cup of coffee, black, while people ahead of me ordered skinny lattes and half-caf cappuccinos and double-doubles and I didn't mind the long wait - I was brought up to wait - we were a large family, service was slow."

I talked to the woman who took my order. She is from Somalia and her husband drives cab and their oldest daughter is in college, majoring in math, and the second daughter wants to be a writer. And right there was the real news, not the silent noise on the screens. The real stories are all around us. I had dinner last week with two old friends and on Sunday morning, one of them woke up and the other was unconscious from a massive stroke and died that afternoon in the ICU. He’d been quite himself, jovial and witty, and two days later he was gone. So I had supper Sunday night with his widow and her daughter at an Italian restaurant Ira liked to eat at with his retired pals. He was a good man, a judge in the New York state system, a faithful public servant and also a humorist, as many people in public service are. It’s hard to accept his absence.
Compared to ordinary life — immigrants supporting their ambitious children, the loss of a friend — our national life is flooded with trivia. The Times reports that in his term thus far, the Chief Twit has issued 11,000 tweets, each one faithfully reported by all of the fake journalists. To a person my age, the verb “tweet” seems inconsistent with the Office of the Presidency, a cartoon word, coming from the beak of a canary in a cage. Winston Churchill barked and growled but he never chirped. But times change.
The advantage for our man is that he can twitter as often as he likes, including early morning when most likely his hair would be sticking up at odd angles and he’d be unable to appear on camera, but he can sit up in bed and address the nation with a few sentences and the Lying Press will faithfully report it, word for word.
The other advantage of tweeting is the brevity. Other presidents felt obliged to explain, lay out arguments, provide context, but you can’t do that in 280 characters, you can only mutter or shout.

U.S. senator Bernie Sanders addresses a crowd in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, after being introduced by U.S. representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (photo: Nick Coltrain/Des Moines Register)
U.S. senator Bernie Sanders addresses a crowd in Council Bluffs, Iowa, on Friday, Nov. 8, 2019, after being introduced by U.S. representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (photo: Nick Coltrain/Des Moines Register)

Ocasio-Cortez Adds Excitement to Sanders Rally as Campaign Claims Record Crowd in Iowa
Nick Coltrain, Des Moines Register
Coltrain writes: "U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Friday made the first trip of her life to Iowa, and helped draw what U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign is calling the largest crowd in the state so far in the 2020 cycle."

Former White House aide Fiona Hill and National Security Council's Ukraine expert, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. (photo: CNN)
Former White House aide Fiona Hill and National Security Council's Ukraine expert, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. (photo: CNN)

We Read All 2,677 Pages of Impeachment Inquiry Testimony Released to Date. Here's What's Clear.
Manu Raju, Jeremy Herb and Marshall Cohen, CNN
Excerpt: "To President Donald Trump, the whole flap with Ukraine is over a 'perfect' phone call. 'It's based on a single phone call of congratulations to the President of Ukraine, which they fraudulently mischaracterized to sound absolutely horrible,' Trump said a few weeks ago of his July 25 call with the Ukrainian President cited by a whistleblower complaint."

United States Citizen and Immigration Services. (photo: iStock)
United States Citizen and Immigration Services. (photo: iStock)

US Seeks to Hike Fees for Immigration Applications and Impose First-Ever Asylum Charge
Camilo Montoya-Galvez, CBS News
Montoya-Galvez writes: "The Trump administration rolled out a proposal Friday to hike application fees for immigrants seeking to remain in the U.S. - including a first-ever charge for those seeking refuge."

Seattle city councilmember Kshama Sawant addresses supporters during her campaign's District 3 election night party, Nov. 5, 2019. (photo: Matt M. McKnight)
Seattle city councilmember Kshama Sawant addresses supporters during her campaign's District 3 election night party, Nov. 5, 2019. (photo: Matt M. McKnight)

Socialist Kshama Sawant Surges Ahead, Paving the Way for Seattle's 'Most Progressive Council' in Years
David Kroman, Crosscut
Kroman writes: "Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant has nearly completed a stunning turnaround in her quest for a third term Friday evening, recovering from a deficit of more than 8 percentage points and taking a 1,515-vote lead over her opponent, Egan Orion - putting her up by 3.6 percentage points."

A demonstrator runs near a bonfire during a protest against the government's economic policies in Santiago on Wednesday. (photo: Javier Torres/Getty)
A demonstrator runs near a bonfire during a protest against the government's economic policies in Santiago on Wednesday. (photo: Javier Torres/Getty)

Chilean Police Officer Arrested After Shooting Students at Protest
Jonathan Franklin, Guardian UK
Franklin writes: "A Chilean police major who shot two students during a school protest has been arrested as a wave of political unrest enters a third week and the number of injured in street violence topped 2,000."

Man attempts work on his property as fires roar nearby. (photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)
Man attempts work on his property as fires roar nearby. (photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP)

Wildfire Smoke Is a Silent Killer - and Climate Change Is Making It Worse
Naveena Sadasivam, Grist
Sadasivam writes: "As the Kincade Fire burned through some 80,000 acres in Northern California, Ismael Barcenas, felt his lungs burning and 'knots in [his] throat.'"

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