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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, November 11, 2019

RSN: Angela Watters | WTF Is That Red Scare Loyalty Oath in My Candidate Packet?

Reader Supported News
11 November 19

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Reader Supported News
11 November 19
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Angela Watters, Reader Supported News
Watters writes: "If we were living in an alternative history like the one in HBO's 'Watchmen,' a world in which white supremacy, not democracy, was the enemy, maybe I'd sign the state of Illinois's anachronistic loyalty oath. But I did not."

You don’t have to be a genius to run for public office, just look at Donald Trump. He did it, and you know to the core of your being that even a misogynist dickhead from your office would do a better job than Trump. What Trump illustrates is that you don’t even have to have special expertise to run for office and win. Good elected officials hire the best public servants they can find to run the show. Great elected officials listen to the advice of experts and weighs that advice against the concerns of constituents to make the best possible decisions for the community. We need more smart, thoughtful, regular folks in public office – not more grandstanders and blowhards. Take that leap and file. 
Angela Watters is the Managing Editor for Reader Supported News. She was elected to the school board in her town in April of this year.
Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.

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