Wealthy Cape Cod residents and coal industry lobbyists successfully kept Cape Wind on hold for almost 8 years. Were a 250-foot stack proposed in their pristine neighborhoods, would they object? Would they be granted a voice in the hazards? The lengths to which Senator Kennedy went to strike a political deal to squelch Cape Wind on a federal level to preserve his view are public knowledge. But the clout of Brockton?
What is particularly worrisome in the Brockton Enterprise article is the water consumption to an already thirsty region:
Local opposition could still be an issue for Advanced Power, which is hoping to buy treated wastewater from the city for use in cooling the plant.
This would require a two-thirds vote of approval from the City Council. Councilor-at-large Thomas Brophy said at least two-thirds of the 11-member council are strongly opposed to the project and might be inclined to vote against the sale of wastewater to Advanced Power.
Brophy said the company has not yet approached the council about buying the wastewater, which would come to 1.9 million gallons per day.
Another option for the company includes buying potable water, which would also require council approval due to the large amount of water that would be purchased.
A third option is to use air cooling technology, which is not favored by Advanced Power because it would reduce the plant’s output from 350 to 340 megawatts.
The solution seems to be to move to Hyannisport where your voice has greater clout and your vote is more important.
we're over the town line and near this plant, but our protests dont matter. this is politics as usual in the bay state. if we had ted's $$$$ theyd listen. theirs an election in nov and we vote, but it wont be for a singal incumbant.
Is this for the casino that will never come? The timing? So much for the tribe being 'green.'
where is this water supposed to come from?
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