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Saturday, September 21, 2013

...Republicans over gun hypocrisy.....

Thu Sep 19, 2013 at 05:00 AM PDT

Jon Stewart blasts Republicans over gun hypocrisy and the Constitution

Last night, Jon Stewart looked at the aftermath of the D.C. Navy Yard shooting, and how Republicans seem to only care about the Second Amendment in the Constitution.
But all of this raises a larger question. Why is it that guns are the one danger we seem utterly unable to do anything about in any way?
SEN. JOHN CORNYN, R-TX (4/17/2013): This is one of the provisions of the Bill of Rights that the founding framers of our Constitution felt so passionately about that they made sure it was included in our Constitution as part of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.
Constitution! Damnit! I guess we just have to accept whatever the consequences are of an armed-to-the-teeth nation, per our Founding Fathers, like with terrorism. And how even though the government would like to have a role in preventing terrorism, their hands are tied by the Constitution. Like when we found out the NSA was collecting all our phone calls. And that seemed to us to be somewhat of a violation of the Constitution. What do you say, John Cornyn?
SEN. JOHN CORNYN, R-TX (5/11/2006): This is not somewhere where the President or the intelligence community is running like a rogue elephant across, trampling our civil liberties. I think we ought to lower our language and our rhetoric a little bit and be conscious of what's at stake. And what's at stake is the safety and security of the American people.
Oh, so with guns, the Constitution is iron-clad, but with terrorism, it's a list of suggestions. How about while protecting people's right to bear arms, we beef up enforcement?
ERIC BOLLING (4/2/2013): Your right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.
Oh. Well, what about your right to worship freely without government surveillance?
4/22/2013:ERIC BOLLING: Should the FBI be allowed to now go into mosques, and wiretap and surveil?
BOB BECKEL: Because I think....
ERIC BOLLING: See, I think this is a great case for opening that line of surveillance.
BOB BECKEL: Because I think that's... I think if you....
So if you believe Muhammad is God's messenger on Earth, and you want to go to a mosque, that's probable cause. But if you believe a microwave is God's messenger on Earth, and you want to buy a gun.... (kisses the sky)When it comes to guns, the Constitution says you don't have to answer any questions.
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-SC (12/11/2012): Why should my Constitutional right be limited because you don't understand why I want eight guns?
"Maybe I'm an octopus." (wild audience laughter and applause) "Maybe I'm an octopus, and I'm being attacked by a squid! You don't know my life! Don't judge me!" (audience laughter)And why should my Constitutional rights be limited because you don't understand why I don't want the government to have my phone number?
SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R-SC (6/6/2013): The way you protect the homeland is you try to find out what the enemy's up to. I'm a Verizon customer. It doesn't bother me one bit for the National Security Administration to have my phone number.
"Cuz that's stopping terrorism."You know, if you define mass shootings as four or more people getting shot at one time, we've had nearly 250 so far this year. We've only had 260 days! Our mass shooting average is 96%! Our mass shooting scores shouldn't be that much higher than our math and science scores. There have been more mass shooting days than Jewish holidays, and there are a shitload of Jewish holidays! (audience laughter)
I'm just telling you, I think... my guess is there's probably a Jewish holiday about how many mass shootings there are, Tisha, B'ang, I don't know.

When it comes to terrorism, a terrible crime that doesn't kill a whole lot of Americans every year, we're willing to bargain away the entire Bill of Rights. Why is that?
MONICA CROWLEY (5/4/2011): We are in a war! Fight the damn war! We are not dealing with traditional soldiers who wear the uniforms of a country. We are dealing with enemy combatants. These are terrorists. ... The Constitution is not a suicide pact.
Well I'm pretty sure, I'm pretty sure it's not a homicide pact either. We'll be right back.
Video below the fold.

Meanwhile, Stephen looked at how Fox News was hyping the End Times prophecy with the events in Syria, and talked with Andrew Sullivan about the situation there.

Priceless! There's more:

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