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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Place To Bark

And so they sleep...
Just getting in from my shelter.
This was the last image I saw as I left. Some nights I just sit on the floor, hold a puppy, or a dog in my arms. I sit, look around & for the life of me, will never understand how hundreds of precious lives come thru my program each year.
The homeless, abandoned & abused, are what I see every week at animal control. 
There have been bets made for years, 14 years to be exact, that I would buckle, break or close with the numbers I take in.
I won't lie, I almost did a few years ago, lots of challenges, but made it thru selling off some things.
The rescue still struggles & if I were to only save10 dogs a month,we would be just fine.
But I rescue 65-85 dogs per month.
So this is why we have to run fundraisers frequently.
Loving the underdogs, the extremely sick, the seniors, the heartworm positive & the bullies is not cheap.
To me, material possessions can be replaced. Life cannot.
I do what I do, because I Love animals. Because they are innocents & have no voice of their own. 
This beautiful pup, is healing & recovering from having mange . Her malnourished body filling in & a personality that is blossoming. 
These are the Lives Saved & their stories told, because of those who care enough to support our rescue efforts. Thank You...
Sweet Dreams Everyone!
(I hope this makes sense, a lot on my mind tonite, but I'm so tired I can barely focus:)

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