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Sunday, November 13, 2016

RSN: How America Got It So Wrong, Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom and Why It Matters

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Matt Taibbi | How America Got It So Wrong 
Donald Trump enters the White House as a lone wrecking ball of conspiratorial ideas, a one-man movement unto himself who owes almost nothing to traditional Republicans. (photo: Molly Riley/AP) 
Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone 
Taibbi writes: "Trump enters the White House as a lone wrecking ball of conspiratorial ideas, a one-man movement unto himself who owes almost nothing to traditional Republicans and can be expected to be anything but a figurehead." 
Mayors of NY and Los Angeles Pledge to Remain Immigrant Sanctuaries 
Alex Dobuzinskis and Joseph Ax, Reuters 
Excerpt: "Officials in New York and Los Angeles on Thursday said they hoped President-elect Donald Trump would not follow through on a campaign promise to withhold federal funds from 'sanctuary cities' that shield people who are in the country illegally." 
Samuel DuBose: Mistrial Declared With Jury Deadlocked in Police Shooting Case 
Ryan Felton, Guardian UK 
Felton writes: "An Ohio judge on Saturday declared a mistrial in the case of a white police officer charged with the murder of an unarmed black motorist, prompting activists to demand 'system-wide accountability' and an immediate retrial." 
Donald Trump's Threat to Press Freedom and Why It Matters 
Mirren Gidda and Zach Schonfeld, Newsweek 
Excerpt: "With little more than two months before Trump takes the oath of office, the threat to the media - and the public's right to know - is reality." 
Surveillance Self-Defense Against the Trump Administration 
Micah Lee, The Intercept 
Lee writes: "On Tuesday, Americans handed the U.S. presidency to a racist, xenophobic, authoritarian, climate-science-denying, misogynistic, revenge-obsessed ego-maniac - and with it control over a vast and all-too-unaccountable intelligence apparatus; and in a speech less than three weeks ago, Trump promised to sue all of the women who have come forward with sexual assault accusations against him." 
Children Are Already Being Harassed in the Name of Our President-Elect 
Casey Quinlan, ThinkProgress 
Quinlan writes: "In the days following the election, students are already invoking the name of our president-elect while they spread white supremacist messages." 
Donald Trump Presidency a 'Disaster for the Planet,' Warn Climate Scientists 
Oliver Milman, Guardian UK 
Milman writes: "The ripples from a new American president are far-reaching, but never before has the arrival of a White House administration placed the livability of Earth at stake. Beyond his bluster and crude taunts, Donald Trump's climate denialism could prove to be the lasting imprint of his unexpected presidency." 

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