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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

RSN: When You're a Protester, the Color of Your Skin Is All That Matters, Syrian Refugee Children Could Be Making Your Clothes

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Reader Supported News

Charles Pierce | When You're a Protester, the Color of Your Skin Is All That Matters 
Oregon's Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. (photo: Getty Images) 
Charles Pierce, Esquire 
Pierce writes: "Yes, there is a cruel, stupid irony about living in a country when, on the same day, a bunch of gun-toting rubes who have less understanding of the Constitution than a wombat does of nuclear fusion get acquitted after an armed takeover of federal property in Oregon while, half a country away, peaceful protesters doing nothing but praying on land to which they have a right guaranteed by treaty get rousted, roughed up, and hauled away by a militarized police force acting largely at the behest of a private company." 
Why Do We Still Accept That Governments Collect and Snoop on Our Data? 
Ashley Gorski and Scarlet Kim, Guardian UK 
Excerpt: "Bulk collection clearly violates global rights to privacy and free speech, and now, with a case before the European court of human rights, is the time to stop it." 
Yanis Varoufakis | The Universal Right to Capital Income 
Yanis Varoufakis, Project Syndicate 
Varoufakis writes: "If a universal basic income is to be legitimate, it cannot be financed by taxing Jill to pay Jack. That is why it should be funded not from taxation, but from returns on capital." 
10 Nasty Women Who Shaped American History 
Kate Schatz, Yes! Magazine 
Schatz writes: "Before Trump ever called Hillary Clinton a 'nasty woman,' these fierce ladies were getting it done - in the face of B.S. from the boys." 
Syrian Refugee Children Could Be Making Your Clothes 
Teresa Welsh, McClatchy DC 
Welsh writes: "Children were found in factories producing British retailer Marks and Spencer and online retailer Asos, and adults in factories producing Zara and Mango." 
Son of Honduran Human Rights and Resistance Activist Murdered 
Excerpt: "Human rights organizations are raising alarm after yet another assassination in Honduras, this time of the son of a prominent resistance activist, human rights defender, and aspiring progressive candidate for local political office with the left-wing Libre party." 
300 Million Children Are Breathing 'Extremely Toxic' Air, UNICEF Says 
Merrit Kennedy, NPR News 
Kennedy writes: "The report says poor air quality can have an outsized impact on children: Their lungs are still developing; their respiratory airways are more prone to blockages; they 'breathe twice as fast, taking in more air per unit of body weight, compared to adults.'" 

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