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Monday, September 7, 2015

RSN: Gaza Is Already Unlivable, Veterans Used in Secret Experiments Sue Military for Answers

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Scott Walker, Meet Noam Chomsky: Here's the Real Iran History Republicans Need to Learn 
Scott Walker and Noam Chomsky. (photo: Jacquelyn Martin/Nader Daoud/AP) 
Kyle Schmidlin, Salon 
Schmidlin writes: "For years, Washington and the news media have portrayed Iran as the most dangerous national power on the planet. That opinion is not widely shared by the global community, however, which by a significant margin places the United States at the top of a list of the biggest threats to world peace." 
David Swanson | US Drops Fleas With Bubonic Plague on North Korea 
David Swanson, David Swanson's Blog 
Swanson writes: "If you didn't know, I'll break it to you right now: people cannot actually be programed like the Manchurian candidate, which was a work of fiction. There was never the slightest evidence that China or North Korea had done any such thing. And the CIA spent decades trying to do such a thing, and finally gave up." 
Edward Snowden Criticizes Russia's Human Rights Record, Says Online Restrictions, Treatment of Gays, 'Wrong' 
Mark Hanrahan, International Business Times 
Hanrahan writes: "Edward Snowden criticized restrictions on human rights in Russia, where he has been granted asylum, while accepting an award Saturday. He has lived in the country after leaving Hong Kong, where he leaked details of the NSA's domestic surveillance program." 
Veterans Used in Secret Experiments Sue Military for Answers 
Caitlin Dickerson, NPR 
Dickerson writes: "American service members used in chemical and biological testing have some questions: What exactly were they exposed to? And how is it affecting their health?" 
The Most Important Legacy of the Black Panthers 
Brandon Harris, The New Yorker 
Harris writes: "From 1962 to 1964, the years just before the Watts rebellion, there were sixty-five people killed by the L.A.P.D., including twenty-seven who had been shot in the back. Only one of those deaths was deemed murder. In this context, it is not surprising that four years after the Black Panther Party was founded." 
Gaza Is Already Unlivable 
Yousef Munayyer, Al Jazeera America 
Munayyer writes: "The United Nations said on Sept. 1 that the Gaza Strip could become unlivable by 2020 without critical access to reconstruction and humanitarian supplies. For Gaza's beleaguered residents, none of this is surprising." 
Cecil the Lion: Hunter's Reopened Office Is Calm but Protesters Vow to Fight On 
Chris Steller, Guardian UK 
Steller writes: "The office of Dr Walter Palmer, the dentist who sparked international outrage over his killing of Cecil the lion, has returned to doing business with a placid air of normality." 

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