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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Syria in rubble because of US failure, Sweden takes in refugees, destroying our planet, Corporate Media Propaganda......

Once again, thousands of walruses are seeking refuge on shore as Arctic sea ice continues to melt. This is a huge threat to their survival.
Earlier this week, President Obama visited the Alaskan Arctic to call attention to the front lines of our fight against climate change. There, he witnessed melting sea ice and eroding shorelines and took on climate deniers who refuse to recognize these impacts.
The best shot we have of fighting climate change now is with the Clean Power Plan, but it’s already facing huge attacks in Congress. Send a message to your member of Congress to fight climate change by supporting the Clean Power Plan:
Survival of walruses threatened as they wash ashore on a remote barrier island.

We have created this campaign to save Annabelle. With every shirt purchased, we will donate $10 to help save Annabelle. And the Horror of Animal Abuse Continues .. Annabelle was brought into a county shelter with her head swollen and left eye smashed after an abuser did the unthinkable to her...

Fishermen take billions of pounds of fish from the Bering Sea every year. She only wants enough to feed her pup. >>>
There can be enough for all of us. Take action to protect the Bering Sea today:

The US created this mess - Where's the US?

Thank you, Sweden!
Some countries are doing little to nothing to help Syrian refugees. Other countries are doing quite a bit. What many around the world do not know is Sweden has...

Katrina Vanden Heuvel is a brilliant woman with a long history of achievement. After today's smackdown on Meet the Press aka known as the home of Boring and Stupid.... she will not be invited back. Carey Ann Goldstein She was the one who mentioned Bernie Sanders and can discuss his ideas with intelligence. The others are shills for Hillary Clinton
The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel took a whack at our corporate media for propping up the likes of bully Donald Trump, while continually portraying Bernie...

"The conservative battle against a woman’s right to choose took a deadly turn on Friday, as right-wing domestic terrorists set a Planned Parenthood clinic in Pullman Washington on fire. There were no injuries, but the clinic was heavily damaged. The FBI and ATF are investigating the incident but have no information to offer at the moment."

The conservative battle against a woman's right to choose took a deadly turn on Friday, as right-wing domestic terrorists set a Planned Parenthood clinic in...

There is a shared history that cannot be erased with a pen or a gun.
Consider the states you associate most with anti-Latino sentiment - they all used to be Mexico.


If only more people felt that way.

New NBC News / Marist polls spell bad news for Hillary Clinton in both Iowa and New Hampshire.

Peter N. Bouckaert with Mas Hendrajit and 3 others
This is Kobane, Syria, the hometown of Aylan Kurdi, the little boy who drowned trying to reach Europe. Does anyone have any more questions as to why his parents, and so many other Syrian parents, are risking their lives and the lives of their children to flee this horror? Let's make the journey safer for them, and welcome them with open arms. Trust me, we have the capacity to do so (and it actually feels pretty darn good to help someone in need).

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