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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, September 7, 2015

This & that.....

No country in the world has more responsibility to accept refugees from Syria and Iraq than the United States, solely because our invasion in 2003 destabilized the entire region and directly led to today's refugee crisis.

Given the events of the last few days; this image is worth sharing.

George W. Bush also "borrowed" money from Social Security, and NEVER paid it back! Republicans have embezzled a total of $2.7 trillion from Social Security, to pay for wars and corporate tax cuts. And Paul Ryan wants to fix it so they get their hands on the rest of YOUR money! Remember this on November 4th. Vote against every Republican on the ballot!
Meme courtesy of RIP GOP

Center for Progress in Alabama's photo.

VOTE BLUE!!! Stop the Polemic between Hillary and Bernie!! We do NOT want to be the Trump of the Democratic Party!! United we win, divided we lose.
Bernie Sanders' fundraising is outpacing most other candidates'. And he's doing it without the help of a super PAC.

SIGN THE PETITION: A critical program that has helped protect national parks like the Grand Canyon for the past 50 years is expiring in less than 50 days. Without it, many of our precious lands could be left vulnerable to logging, mining, and drilling – which is exactly what Koch brothers-backed groups are pushing for! Tell Congress to save our parks!
America’s best parks program expires in less than 50 days, leaving lands vulnerable to drilling, mining, & logging. Help us reach 20,000 names to fight back!

I don't care whether your feeling the Burn or ready for Hillary whichever democratic candidate that gets the nomination must be supported by all Democrats or your voting republican. Also attacks by Democrats on other Democrats only works in the Republican party's favor by sparkling division in their hopes of conquest. Don't be played.

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