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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Republicans implode as Donald Trump accuses Ted Cruz of not being a U.S. citizen

Trump is now using his racist tactics against Cruz, fracturing a broken 
republican party even further

Republicans implode as Donald Trump accuses Ted Cruz of not being a U.S. citizen

So much for the theory that Donald Trump has been grooming fellow republican candidate Ted Cruz as his potential running mate, or that Cruz might be interested in such a role. The two most extremist candidates in the 2016 republican race for President are also the two republican frontrunners, and now they’ve finally taken the gloves off. Trump is taking his stunningly racist campaign platform to the logical extreme by accusing the hispanic Cruz of not being a United States citizen.

Trump spent years building up support among the nation’s conservative racists by falsely accusing President Barack Obama of having been secretly been born in Kenya. While no reasonable person would believe such a baseless and obviously stereotype-infused accusation, Trump’s supporters have adopted that lie as gospel. Trump has gone on to demonize everyone from Mexicans to Muslims in the name of winning the votes of conservative bottom-feeders, and now he’s finally using the same tactic against rival Ted Cruz. Except in this instance there may be some truth to the accusation.

Ted Cruz acknowledges that he was born in Canada, but claims that he is a natural born citizen of the United States due to the existing citizenship of his parents. However three years ago Cruz acknowledged he was also a Canadian citizen, complicating the issue. Regardless of the legality of the matter, Trump’s sudden willingness to use the tactic against Cruz means that the already fracturing republican party is now imploding even further. The Washington Post has more on the Trump-Cruz debacle.

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