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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Republican Senator TOM COTTON [R-AR] took million dollar bribe from Israel to sabotage Obama’s Iran deal

It should come as no surprise that Chicken Hawk Neo Con, founding member of Americans for a New American Century [the how to guide of Building American Empire at your expense] funded the BRIBE.

Who wrote the 47 Republican senators’ awful letter to Iran? Not 
Tom Cotton of Arkansas. J Street speculates Bill Kristol. A former 
AIPAC staffer says, AIPAC.…

The article below is just the last chapter of Republicans proving themselves UNFIT TO GOVERN!

They are Koch Sock Puppets, incompetents who got into office from BOGUS ELECTIONS, PHONY ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES and Dirty Energy KOCH Brothers money.

Government doesn't work because they're incompetent!

Republican senator TOM COTTON [R-AR] took million dollar BRIBE from Israel [“Emergency Committee for Israel”] to sabotage Obama’s Iran deal.

You may remember:
47 Traitor GOP Senators violate Logan Act

MUST READ! How many Koch Funded Tea Baggers does it take to start a WAR? UNFIT TO GOVERN!…/must-read-how-many-k…
Traitor [Senator] Cotton [R-AR] To Obama: You’re Not My President, I Take Orders From Netanyahu…/traitor-senator-cott…
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, NYC was flooded and these same Jack Asses opposed aid to NYC:
“They’re a bunch of jackasses....."…/theyre-bunch-of-jack…

Republican senator took million dollar bribe from Israel to sabotage Obama’s Iran deal

In the wake of the revelation this week that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was caught on tape bribing unnamed republican members of congress to vote against President Obama’s Iran deal, angry Americans have been asking for specific names and numbers in order to gain a better understanding of just what level of treason has been committed. Now it turns out one republican name has surfaced in particular, and one very large dollar amount. That name won’t come as a surprise to those who have been watching closely.

Tom Cotton is the republican senator from Arkansas who had been loudly leading the charge against the Iran deal from the start. He spearheaded a letter signed by forty-seven republicans who informed Iran’s leadership that they would do everything they could to undermine the deal if they ever gained executive power. Cotton also led the hyperbolic and dishonest rhetoric against the deal which often had him sounding like a cartoon character. It turns out he had a good reason to be so one-sided: Israel gave him a million dollar campaign contribution for his efforts.

The “Emergency Committee for Israel” contributed the million dollars to Tom Cotton’s campaign before he even took office, effectively buying the senator for any future needs. Sabotaging the Iran deal ended up being the favor that was called in. However, despite Netanyahu’s money and Cotton’s efforts, the Iran deal became law anyway. Iran recently forfeited its nuclear materials as part of the deal. Addicting Info has more on the Tom Cotton bribery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How do we elect these scumbags into office? This is the same guy who said that Iran needs a regime change. This mindset of the Military Industrial Complex is just mind numbing bullshit. Our country cannot afford more idiots like Tom Cotton. I hop he gets jail time.