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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Deserves FAME: Lisa Parker of Everett Washington abuses her dog, Nancy Stonehouse-Poitras, Chastity Kribbe

Lisa Parker of Everett Washington abuses her dog, Nancy Stonehouse-Poitras, Chastity Kribbe go along with the ANIMAL ABUSE? 

Women wraps dog's face in urine soaked pee pad and is mad because people are calling her an animal abuser... what do you guys think about this?
We first broke this story when a viral photo was uploaded by alleged animal…

Woman’s dog shaming picture ignites public outrage.

31C6A77700000578-3473393-image-m-67_1456942025478We first broke this story when a viral photo was uploaded by alleged animal abuser, Lisa Parker. She shared photos of her dog being “shamed” for urinating in her home by wrapping a used pee pad around the dog’s face. Believe it or not this same women is retaining custody of the dog in question.

According to the Daily Mail, Meghan Pembroke, spokesperson for the city of Everett, Washington, states the dog’s owner, Lisa Parker continues to be investigated for potential animal abuse and could face charges.
I added the photos to this post along with her comment regarding the photo. We all know how I feel about this but I want to hear from you. What do you think about this story? Did she abuse her dog? Should she have retained custody of the animal? Am I overacting to this situation? Let me know in the comments below!


This is what Lisa wrote in description of the photo. “Successful dog shaming by way of The Wearing of the Peepee hat. Luda thought it would be a good idea to piss in the house, five minutes after his goodnight potty run. He is finding out… not so bright. I sopped it up, with a peepee pad, before scrubbing it with oxyclean and vinegar. He is now wearing his creation.”


And this story gets even worse. She then write in comments below the photo admitting to putting the dog’s own feces in their mouth and taping it shut. Stating “its a nasty job but… it works! Here is the screen capture of her comments.
Call me crazy but shoving an animal’s feces in their mouth and taping is shut seems like an awful way to respond to her lack of training. Animals makes mistakes… just like human. Shoving “shit” in their mouth is no way to respond to that.

1 comment:

Deb said...

I hope authorities don't just shove this aside like they usually do. This woman needs to KNOW how wrong, how abusive her treatment of this dog (and apparently many others) is.
The fact that she sees nothing wrong with her actions, to the point she posts boastful photos on Facebook, proves she has NO business owning a dog. This sort of thing does NOT train a dog - it makes him fearful. And that doesn't begin to address the physical issues: if this dog peed 5 minutes after going out, might he have a medical issue? And I won't even go into the health issues she may have created by wrapping this dogs head in a urine soaked pee pad - which by the way, she now claims he crawled underneath HIMSELF - and by stuffing shit in a dog's mouth and TAPING it shut.... Vile woman.