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Friday, May 20, 2016

Why Clinton’s Claim Of Having 3 Million More Votes Than Sanders Is A Total Lie

 I'm Voting For Bernie Sanders in 2016 shared a link.

In an article posted to the New York Daily News, Activist and writer
Shaun King…


Why Clinton’s Claim Of Having 3 Million More Votes Than Sanders Is A Total Lie

In an article posted to the New York Daily News, Activist and writer Shaun King made a startling revelation which could change the way we view the entire Democratic primary race.
Since the tide has turned in the direction of Hillary Clinton, the candidate has put much emphasis on her apparent lead in the popular vote. According to Hillary Clinton, she leads Sanders by more than 3 million votes nationwide. This is the number that we hear cited commonly at events and in corporate media. This number helps to give legitimacy to Clinton’s campaign in the face of Sanders’ populist message. Though Sanders may complain about how the system is rigged and wonder why Superdelegates aren’t more loyal to their constituency, Clinton has always had the power of the popular vote behind her.
But what King revealed in his groundbreaking article is that the 3 million vote advantage Clinton holds is a lie.
This is due to the fact that primary races don’t just feature voters going out and casting a ballot. Instead, several states opt to hold caucuses where a group of representatives vouch for their candidate. The candidate with the most representatives in the room wins in that district, and the candidate which wins the most districts is the winner of the state.
One interesting feature of this alternate method of primary choosing is that actual individual votes are not gathered, thus, no votes go to the winning candidate. Bernie Sanders has tended to win most caucusing states. Though Sanders may sweep a state, sometimes taking more than 70 percent of the caucus vote, these numbers do not translate to individual popular votes, thus adding nothing to the overall tally. These are states with millions of Sanders supporters, who, due to the system in their state, are not counted among the millions in competition with Clinton’s big number advantage.

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