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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, November 11, 2013

You're wrong if you think this

Let's get this done, get it on the ballot to protect ALL communities!

If you're one of those people who thinks citizens will collect the 100,000 voter signatures it takes to get a ballot question repealing casinos in Massachusetts without your help, then you're wrong.

I volunteered ten hours this weekend collecting voter signatures and I tell you, there is a false sense out there that this issue will easily make the ballot. While there is enormous opposition to state government's sponsorship of casinos, it will only make the ballot if each of us does the work it takes to collect the signatures.

My friends at Repeal the Casino Deal (RTCD) have told me that we need to collect 25,000 more signatures between now and Sunday night or the repeal won't make it to the ballot.That's six days.

Here's how we get it done. You must take two actions:

First, commit yourself to be one of the 250 people across the state who will do whatever it takes to collect 100 voter signatures by Sunday night. It's not hard or painful. You can conservatively collect 25 signatures per hour using two clipboards at a location with high foot traffic. That's only four hours of volunteer work to be a part of something historic. If you've already collected some signatures like many of us, you need to collect 100 more. If there is absolutely no way you can collect 100 signatures then please donate $200 right now to allow RTCD to pay someone to collect the signatures. Contact RTCD signature drive director Brian Ashmankas to say where you will be collecting so their team can direct volunteers to other locations: his email is and his phone is (617) 701-7823.

Second, I ask you to please spare no effort to get one other person to collect 100 signatures by Sunday or get them to donate $200.

If you want to stop casinos in your region for good, then you personally need to act. Don't think it will happen without your sacrifice because it won't.

I am collecting 100 signatures every day until the end. RTCD will spend the final three days prior to the Nov. 20th deadline mailing the petitions to city and town clerks across the state.

And if you haven't done so already, please promote this website across every personal digital network you have: your personal & professional email lists; Facebook; Twitter; Linkedin and so on. It allows people to collect just five voter signatures and mail them into the RTCD P.O. Box.

Thank you for the work you've done and most of all, the work you're about to do.


Les Bernal

Executive Director


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From Steve Abdow:


We need 250 people to collect 100 signatures by Sunday or this won't make it to the ballot. If you don't want casinos in your region and your state, then you need to do this. You must take two actions: First, collect 100 voter signatures by Sunday or donate $200 right now to allow RTCD to pay someone to collect the signatures. Second, you need to get one other person to commit to collect 100 signatures by Sunday or get them to donate $200 to pay someone to collect them.

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