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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, August 3, 2015

This & that....FACTS about Clean Power Plan to fight Republican Lies, Jeb Bush wants the Anti-Science Party to do what?

Don't be fooled by NRA fear-mongering: This legislation is simply about making it more difficult for violent offenders and the mentally ill to purchase firearms legally.

Jeb Bush has set a high bar for his party...

"As conservatives we should embrace innovation, embrace technology, 
embrace science," he says. It's a good start

We’re not making this up –> Matea Gold and James Hohmann at TheWashington Post report that in his remarks to the assembled at the Koch Brother's weekend California confab, Charles Koch compared their Freedom Partners political network to abolitionists, the fight for women’s equality and the civil rights movement: “They all sought to overcome an injustice. And we, too, are seeking to right injustices that are holding our country back.” Of course, none of them had the $889 million the Kochs intend to spend by the end of 2016. More headlines news in Morning Reads...

A roundup of some of the stories we're reading at HQ…

Americans should be tired of the corporatist traditional mainstream media dictating their thoughts. The disrespect and disregard with which Bernie Sanders candidacy is treated is intended to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Luckily everyone now can be a piece of the media. Moreover, in the aggregate they can surpass the influence of the media. ‪#‎Bernie2016‬‪#‎FeelTheBern‬

Watch how Chris Matthews and his cast of news cronies attempt to disregard Bernie Sanders by attempting to make him a caricature to be laughed at.

Back in the early 1990’s, Donald Trump fought tooth-and-nail to keep this documentary from being released. The reason? It shows a very unflattering...

The Ring of Fire shared a link.

A new poll by The Wall Street Journal, NBC News and Spanish language broadcaster Telemundo has found what we all thought was the case: Hispanic...

Expose by @NickConfessore and NYT team: "A New York Times analysis of FEC reports and IRS records shows that the fund-raising arms race has made most of the presidential hopefuls deeply dependent on a small pool of the richest Americans. The concentration of donors is greatest on the Republican side, according to the Times analysis, where consultants and lawyers have pushed more aggressively to exploit the looser fund-raising rules that have fueled the rise of super PACs. Just 130 or so families and their businesses provided more than half the money raised through June by Republican candidates and their super PACs." ‪#‎getmoneyout‬

Hey, who isn't in favor of family values, so ain't it great that American politics is now a strikingly family affair, less than 400 of them, the wealthiest of the wealthiest of the wealthiest, billionaires and all, now funding most of American politics, so reports the New York Times. It makes things so much less messy when instead of going to the American people for support you can just audition for a small set of families. It's like warlord politics. You get your warlord (family) and head out on the campaign trail. So simple. So clear. So pure. So un-Bernie Sanders! The Supreme Court had it right with Citizens United... now American politics is a family operation. Tom
"Fewer than four hundred families are responsible for almost half the money raised in the 2016 presidential campaign, a concentration of political donors that is unprecedented in the modern era.
"The vast majority of the $388 million backing presidential candidates this year is being channeled to groups that can accept unlimited contributions in support of candidates from almost any source. The speed with which such “super PACs” can raise money — sometimes bringing in tens of millions of dollars from a few businesses or individuals in a matter of days — has allowed them to build enormous campaign war chests in a fraction of the time that it would take the candidates, who are restricted in how much they can accept from a single donor.
"A New York Times analysis of Federal Election Commission reports and Internal Revenue Service records shows that the fund-raising arms race has made most of the presidential hopefuls deeply dependent on a small pool of the richest Americans. The concentration of donors is greatest on the Republican side, according to the Times analysis, where consultants and lawyers have pushed more aggressively to exploit the looser fund-raising rules that have fueled the rise of super PACs. Just 130 or so families and their businesses provided more than half the money raised through June by Republican candidates and their super PACs."

"'Some of the countries understand what the pharmaceutical companies want and they’re not going to give it to them,' Sanders told a town meeting here at Southern New Hampshire University. 'They want to have not only Americans but people around the world pay sky-high prices for prescription drugs.'"


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This is a very important read. The Left is starting the slow attacks on Bernie Sanders now that he has traction. They are attempting to stifle a debate that must be had. That must not be allowed.

Chris Matthews wants you to be very afraid of Bernie Sanders. Watch him hyperventilate then read my take on what we must really keep in mind to be free.

Juan Cole has a superbly thoughtful, not to say provocative column on the Obama era and what he engendered -- not hope and change but in so many areas (until this "legacy" moment) a kind of Republican lite regime -- "all of the above" on energy, "unitary executive" on assassinating people abroad, etc. With a few bright spots, it's a grim, sad record of what was, not what might have been. Here's Cole's full column. Tom
"It is said that one of the things President Obama wan...
Continue Reading

By Juan Cole - (Informed Comment) - It is said that one of the things President Obama wanted to talk …

PoliticusUSA shared a link.

It is obvious that the owner of a professional sports franchise, say a National Football League team,...

This is insane.

The Vermont senator’s words were completely twisted. Here’s what he actually said.

PoliticusUSA shared a link.

Republicans are doing the bidding of their fossil fuel masters by distorting President Obama's historic clean power plant plan, but here are the facts that...

Read more here:
Image by Occupy Democrats.

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