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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Republicans spewing more misinformation and denying poor women services

Aren't we tired of Republicans spewing propaganda to deny medical care? 
Do Republicans have something against poor women receiving health care and family planning information? 

If you care, please consider chipping in a few dollars to protect women, their rights to privacy and much needed health care. 

Republicans don't have a better solution.

Dear MoveOn member,
In the weeks since those heavily edited Planned Parenthood attack videos came out, FIVE states have defunded the organization.1
Now, Republicans in Congress are pushing to cut off their funding nationwide—and they're pushing to do it as quickly as possible.
Last week, House Speaker John Boehner broke his promise to wait until an investigation could be completed before moving to defund Planned Parenthood. Now he's pushing for a vote as soon as possible.2
And now this week—right as Congress returned from its month long August recess—anti-choice Republicans held their first hearing to attack Planned Parenthood.3
We're pulling out all the stops to stand with Planned Parenthood. But because these attacks came out of the blue, we didn't budget for this fight. Will you chip in $3?
In July, we helped stop anti-choice Republicans in the Senate from eliminating funding for Planned Parenthood. We collected more than a quarter-million petition signatures, flooded Senate offices with 10,000 phone calls, and ran ads on Facebook highlighting how Planned Parenthood has helped individual MoveOn members.
To win this fight, we'll show that attacking Planned Parenthood is a political loser and will cause vulnerable Republican senators and representatives running for re-election next year to lose support among women. We know it will work because Planned Parenthood is enormously popular. The Republican war on women is a big reason why Todd Akin and Mitt Romney lost their elections in 2012.
Here's our plan:
  • We'll partner with Planned Parenthood on a national day of action this month and work with their staff and MoveOn members to hold protests outside the offices of vulnerable Republicans and members who are on the fence.
  • We'll target those same Republicans with a flood of phone calls and actions on social media.
  • We'll deliver hundreds of thousands of signatures demanding that Republicans stop the attacks.
  • We'll expose the attacks on Planned Parenthood for what they are: propaganda designed to close down health clinics and ban abortion.
This is a critical moment in the fight for Planned Parenthood and women's health and rights—and we must win. Will you chip in $3 to join MoveOn as we fight to save Planned Parenthood?
Thanks for all you do.
–Victoria, Maria, Stephen, Ben W., and the rest of the team
1. "Arkansas, Utah target Planned Parenthood funding," The Hill, August 14, 2015
2. "House moving toward vote to defund Planned Parenthood," The Hill, August 29, 2015
3. "Hearing launches push to defund Planned Parenthood," USA Today, September 9, 2015

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