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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Enough's Enough! Tell the #TerribleMen in Congress: Don't Defund Planned Parenthood

Republicans continue to perpetuate ignorance and misinformation in their War Against Women. 

Religious zealots and hysteria shouldn't govern women's health care. 

Please consider signing the petition and standing up for access of poor women to healthcare. 

Twenty-eight Congressmen and counting – who we've dubbed the #TerribleMen – have signed a letter pledging to shut down the government over any legislation that pays for health care services at Planned Parenthood.
To be clear, federal funding already doesn't support the 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's services that are abortions.1 That means this is an all-out attack on Planned Parenthood itself and women's access to health care. These politicians are threatening to defund the ENTIRE government in order to deprive women the access they need to Planned Parenthood's health and reproductive services.
We can't let these #TerribleMen hold the government hostage over their extremist crusade against women and Planned Parenthood. Tell Congress to oppose this radical plan to defund Planned Parenthood:
These politicians are working in concert with the extreme anti-abortion activists who released secretly obtained videos designed to discredit Planned Parenthood. The videos have all been widely discredited, but that has not stopped Republican politicians from using them as an excuse to defund Planned Parenthood.2
These Congressmen are willing to throw women and their families under the bus in order to score points with their extremist base. They need to be reminded that they and their party will have to answer to the millions of Americans who stand with Planned Parenthood if they choose politics over women’s health.
Planned Parenthood provides vital health care services to millions of women a year. With women’s access to health care under constant assault by the radical right, Planned Parenthood is often the only place where women can go to get cancer screenings, prenatal care, STD testing, birth control and abortions.
Sign the petition now and stop these extremist members of Congress from destroying an institution that fights for women's rights and health every day.
Thanks for joining us in standing with Planned Parenthood.
  1. For the record, CREDO supports repeal of the Helms Amendment and is working to end the ban on federal funds for abortion care as part of reproductive health care.
  2. No, Planned Parenthood Isn’t Selling ‘Aborted Baby Parts’” Tara Culp-Ressler, Think Progress, 07/15/2015.

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