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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, September 1, 2015 [Iran] We're bringing veterans to D.C. is speaking out for DIPLOMACY FIRST! 

Please consider subscribing and making a contribution to send VETERANS to Washington. 

When is it time to WAGE PEACE? 


The US can't re-build crumbling roads and bridges, can't feed hungry children, can't house the homeless, yet this defines the Moral Bankruptcy of the US: 
Daily Kos's photo.
This says it all.
Thanks to The Middle Class is Drowning for the graphic.


US Empire, Your Tax Dollars and Why WIkileaks was important...

Since we started our campaign to elevate the voices of veterans who support a diplomacy-first approach with Iran, over 20,000 men and women who have worn our country's uniform have added their names in support. 

Today, I want to share a few of their stories with you, and to let you know that in the next few weeks, we're going to be flying almost two dozen veterans and military family members out the nation's capital to make their voices heard loud and clear. 

Contribute $3 to help VoteVets bring these veterans to Washington, D.C. to lobby the Democratic representatives we need to hold the line ahead of the vote on the Iran deal later this month. 

Dennis, an Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran (Afghanistan) wrote in that "The alternative is an eventual war, again, in the Middle East." 

Matt, an Iraq War Veteran from Colorado added, "Based on my experience in Iraq, I feel that diplomacy is a better path than military action in southwest Asia ... Voting [against] the nuclear treaty with Iran would perpetuate our involvement in the region and likely lead to the next generation of our military being worn out in the region." 

Kevin, also an Iraq War Veteran says, "Diplomacy should always be the 1st option. It's the best option. War is a last resort. With Iraq it was the 1st choice. 4500 Americans and countless Iraqis died for WMD's that didn't exist." 

We're going to bring veterans who have served overseas - people like Dennis, Matt, and Kevin - to tell their legislators how their experiences in war inform their desire for America to reach for a peaceful way to disabuse Iran of their nuclear ambitions. 

Contribute $3 today to help us bring them to Washington, D.C. to share their stories. 

We received thousands of letters like theirs. Letters from veterans who served in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Vietnam, and more -- generations of combat veterans who wrote in support of the deal. 

Congress needs to understand their perspective. Thanks for helping us make their voices heard. 

Jon Soltz 
Iraq War Veteran and Chairman 


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