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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal evidence that George W. Bush committed treason

Bush/Cheney and the MARCH TO WAR that the American people willingly followed is the most disgraceful moment in the history of this nation.

Never mind 'tricking a nation,' those who stepped forward in protest were destroyed by the Corporate Media - Valerie Plame was 'outed,' others were attacked with scandalous lies [one was accused of wearing women's underwear, another was accused of pedophilia].

The TRUTH was provided in the international media that mindless Americans ignored.

Poppy Bush was CIA Director.

The US knew what WMD Saddam Hussein originally possessed and the UN knew what had been destroyed.

[Please remember that the US armed both Iraq and Iran with WMD to fight each other. Iran/Contra arms smuggled to Iran through Israel]

The greatest disgrace is the willingness of Americans to go to WAR based on lies without question!

"The secret emails in question date back to 2002. Colin Powell and George W. Bush are shown to have been conspiring to work with British Prime Minister Tony Blair to mislead the American public into believing that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, as a pretense for tricking the nation into supporting an invasion of Iraq."
By forcing Hillary Clinton to release her emails, the republican party just accidentally revealed George W. Bush's dirtiest secrets

Hillary Clinton’s emails reveal evidence that George W. Bush committed treason

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