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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This & that and Hacking Democracy!

Lisa Barri to Bernie Sanders is my HERO
A Detailed account of my BOE experience NYC:
My Experience at DOE 5/1/16
I volunteered to observe the hand count for the affidavit ballot votes in Manhattan NYC for the primary election.
Here's what happened.
I was taken into a rather small room. Inside the room were a bunch of tables that the BOE employees were sitting around doing various things with the ballots. There were three machines in the room that recorded the votes on the ballot (I then realized it wasn't a hand count).
Big whispers went between employees like wildfire: "The public is here!!" Like I was part of the "bad guys" team.
I was standing by one of the tables, and was told by two men in no uncertain terms that I wasn't allowed to stand! I must sit and sit two feet from any work area. What?!! This confused me. I told them that doesn't make sense because how can anyone observe if they're made to be so far away from the work of the vote count, and therefore can't see anything? He told me it was the law. I asked him if he would provide me with this law. He said he would.
He went on to tell me that they were only counting 1/3 of the affidavit ballots- the ones that were "verified." I asked him how that could be since there’s a lawsuit in process now, as well as an investigation? He didn't respond.
I asked him, if they've considered doing a full count, especially since as it stands now, none of these affidavit votes are going to count in the primary election? He didn't respond. With all the very clear voter suppression one would think they'd rethink this, I mentioned. I asked how they're verifying these ballots? How are they choosing the ones they are calling valid? He didn't respond. And, they wouldn't let any observers go into the room where this eliminated 2/3 of the votes was happening!
Wait, I thought: They are only counting ONE THIRD of all the votes?! And, he won’t tell me HOW they are deciding which votes are valid?!
THEY are purging the voting ballots! Jesus!
The head clerk and other man left.
I sat by different tables to try and take in as much as I could. At one point I heard an employee asking his supervisor a question that started like this: “When we cross out a number and change it…..blah blah blah.” I couldn’t hear the rest of the question, but my hair stood on end from that!
At another table I saw a pile of ballots marked: “Ballots not counted by machine.” This pile was stacked and held together with a rubberband, and put somewhere else. I wondered what will happen with them?
(Another observer told me later, that he was at The Bronx BOE yesterday, and he saw votes that supposedly went through the tally machine but somehow never got counted. They were all Sanders votes. He asked them what will happen with those? He was told that nothing will happen with them. They just won’t be counted).
A woman came by and huffed at me: “You can’t look at the ballots!!”
"I know that ALL of us can’t look at a ballot if there is a name associated with a vote, but these ballots have no names so there’s no restrictions on that and I can look," I said. She said no more.
A few hours later, I moved to the back of the room. There was nothing different in this section from others, or so it seemed. Neither of the men I spoke with earlier were in the room at this point. A couple of woman said I couldn’t be in this area. I told them I’m not aware of this. One woman whispered to the woman at the desk in front of me, and quickly her paperwork turned over. I rolled my eyes.
One clerk returned, saw me in the back, and yelled that I had to move out of this area! I explained that I wasn’t told I couldn’t be in this part of the room, and that I’m still waiting for the laws on this.He yelled out: I’m getting security!! He stormed out.
He was gone for a while, came back and yelled again that he's getting security!
The head clerk, Gregory Lehman, re-entered the room, and was angry! He scolded me for being in the back and not sitting. “I’m waiting over an hour and a half for the laws on this that you said you’d get me, but you haven’t! I’m happy to comply IF this is the law," I said.
" Why would you invite the public in and then forbid them to see anything,” I continued?!
The next thing I know a security guard is there. I tried to move to another area and he physically blocked me saying,
"You’re not going anywhere!” WTF?! I was by the entrance to the room and where he blocked me would have given me access to about 3 feet of the total room.
I said fine, "I’ve seen enough. I know what’s going on here!"
I left with the other two observers.
It was all very upsetting. I was doing nothing but sitting and standing quietly and still, and for this I was reprimanded. But you see clearly the invitation is only a façade that they are open to the public. And clearly, via the secrecy, hiding, and silence to questions, never giving me the law in question it’s clear the BOE is a big scam playing for the corrupt in politics on behalf of whoever big money is buying this year.
It’s a disgrace. It isn’t what democracy is at all. There is no democracy in this country. None at all.

Christine Lynn to Bernie Sanders Activists

From Hitchens' scathing commentary "No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton" 1999:

Jenn Gilman to Bernie Sanders Activists


JUST IN: New Clinton Vs Trump RCP PolI Shows Results That Are Freaking Out The Entire World

In shocking new developments, Donald Trump is closer to the White House than he may have ever been up until now. A brand new general election matchup poll has Trump with 41% of the vote to Hillary Clinton’s 39%. This is the first time he has everbeen in the lead over Clinton since the race has thinned and the real candidates have come out. Last week’s version of this same poll had Clinton and Trump tied at 38%.

This development is so breaking that it is has not yet been factored into the polling averages at Huffington Post or Real Clear Politics. At each of those respective outlets, Clinton is still in the lead. According to the HuffPost average, Clinton is currently at about an 8% lead. This number is backed up by a 7.3% lead in the Real Clear Politics average. You can see the HuffPost average graph below.
But that was before today, and before what today’s breaking released poll represents. The populist, also known as “revolutionary” (hint, hint) fervor, is swelling out of control. Among supporters of the madly persistent Democratic underdog, US Senator Bernie Sanders, at least 1 in 3 said they would not vote for Hillary Clinton should she become the nominee. These persons constitute the so-called “Bernie or Bust” movement.
But that was before today, and before what today’s breaking released poll represents. The populist, also known as “revolutionary” (hint, hint) fervor, is swelling out of control. Among supporters of the madly persistent Democratic underdog, US Senator Bernie Sanders, at least 1 in 3 said they would not vote for Hillary Clinton should she become the nominee. These persons constitute the so-called “Bernie or Bust” movement.
And that makes sense, and up until now has had no visible effect on the potential general election outcome. Sanders has rocked the boat the most among fringe voters. He wins among Independents who lean left, and among the under 40 crowd. Clinton generally wins in the consistent Democratic party base, such as among the African American population of the Southern United States.
So it’s all in character for these 1 in 3 Sanders supporters to say they wouldn’t vote for Clinton. They weren’t that interested in politics in the first place.
And people who are either expressly a part of this movement or involved by ideological association are the reason for the Trump lead in this latest poll. 15% of respondents said they would “prefer some other candidate.” Most of these people are Bernie or Bust’ers. A much smaller number is probably made up of “Never Trump” individuals. 5% of poll respondents said they were undecided.
The margin of error for the poll was 5%. The margin of error is that number by which the actual results may differ from the reported results. In other words, this poll is a virtual tie. The real results could be plus or minus 5% in either direction.
The respective candidates are the likely -but far from certain -respective nominees. On the Republican side, the race may be made or broken based off of who wins the Indiana primary tomorrow. Should US Senator Ted Cruz score a possible win, he will be well on his way to blocking Trump from securing a majority of delegates. You can see the Five Thirty Eight graph for the possibility of a Cruz win in Indiana below. Should Trump win, he may be well on his way to securing that slightly elusive majority.
Over on the Democratic side, Sanders continues to score enough wins to keep him as a viable competitor, although Clinton remains in the lead. A measure of uncertainty will remain in the race until the biggest state, California, votes on June 7. All projections have Sanders crushing Trump in a head to head matchup.

Featured Image is a Wikimedia copy of two photos from Gage Skidmore, available under a Creative Commons License.

Ever notice how 'evangelicals' become obsessed with SEX and subservience and they make self-serving stuff up?

Former child star and heart throb of the TV show Growing Pains, Kirk Cameron, has apparently morphed into a giver of marriage advice that seems to come from a different decade. The actor-turned-Christian evangelist had some of this advice recently, telling the Christian Post that women should “follow” their husbands’ leadership. “Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband’s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband,” he opined.
“There is ample evidence of this everywhere you look,” he added. “If you take a look at the Bible, for example, you will read and you will understand the word of God. That word says that men who submit to their wives in any moment of their marriage will burn in hell forever. And that especially applies to foreplay. Men were created to be dominating, to be conquerors and to be pleased, not the other way around. The fact that we have men today who prefer to be submissive is a disease and must be rooted out.”
The former child TV star also said that “what many men don’t understand is the fact that women are also built and created to be dominated, to be ruled by men. Now, all of this probably sounds way more archaic than it’s supposed to, but you get the point. What I’m trying to say is, I’m sure a ton of guys out there feels the instinct to take charge of their marriage. And they should do that, because that’s what God intended them to do. And the fact that things aren’t completely right nowadays is because of many things, and one of them is because years ago, women were allowed to vote.”
“That’s how it all started,” Cameron said. “If we had stopped that, we’d be looking at a completely different picture now. Today we have female motorists, female executives, female soldiers – those are all positions that were once the exclusive privileges of men. And because women were allowed to climb that high, men have, in turn, stooped incredibly low. And you can say what you want about us, but that changes things incomparably, especially in the bedroom. It affects men’s psyche. And God sees that. So, what he’s trying to do is motivate us. He’s trying to use potential punishment to motivate us to take the role that was intended for us. And that’s the role of alpha males.”

 Newslo shared a link.

Former child star and heart throb of the TV show Growing Pains, Kirk Cameron,…

Offered by a poster in response:

Alex J. Bradbury's photo.

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