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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Our Greatest Single Threat

The greatest single threat to our planet is GLOBAL WARMING!

We watched as severe droughts damaged crops and dried up the

Mississippi River, warm waters fed Hurricane Sandy for catastrophic
results, melted ice caps have exceeded every scientific prediction.

Why are we subsidizing Dirty Energy when we should be promoting
energy efficiency and alternative energy?

France is doubling their Solar PhotoVoltaic targets, while the US continues to
exceed the rest of the world's consumption --

The US is by far the world's greatest user of energy per capita in the world. Each American uses about 87,000 kilowatt-hours per year – that is twice as much as the European Union (EU), the next closest consumer!

From: Ecological Patriotism [Great links on the items posted.]

Let's work to end the subsidies in the next budget debates.

Please add you name to the petition below to STOP subsidizing

Dirty Energy with your tax dollars.

I can't believe we even have to say this — but isn't it time we stopped giving billions of our taxpayer dollars to the polluting oil companies?

With all the talk about cutting spending and raising taxes in Washington, D.C., you'd really think this would be a no-brainer. But sadly, it's not. In fact, Congress just voted to keep giving billions of YOUR dollars to Exxon and the other big oil companies as part of a deal to avert the so-called fiscal cliff.*

Which is why we made a shocking, and yes a little bit offensive, television ad called "Exxon hates your children."

We need to shock Congress into action if we want to end taxpayer subsidies of pollution. And we need your help to do it: Sign on now to tell Congress it's time to stop giving taxpayer funds to the big oil companies, and invest in clean energy instead.

Our ad has already been viewed over 100,000 times on YouTube and covered in The Huffington Post, The Hill and other media outlets.** And now, thanks to you and our friends at the Other 98% and Oil Change International, it's about to start running on cable news networks across America.

But getting the ad on television is only part of the solution.

Congress and the President listen to voters and public opinion. But there's no guarantee they'll be tuned in to the TV when our ad runs. So we want to organize a free screening of the ad in Washington, D.C., where we can deliver your names directly to Capitol Hill to make sure they get the message. And we need you to sign on today, before we finalize those events, so we can report the biggest possible number of supporters to the media.

If you're sick and tired of your tax dollars being used to bail out polluters, while investments in our environment, education and even our kids don't get the investment they need — click here to sign on in support now.


Drew, Colin, and the team at Environmental Action

* Andy Kroll, Big Oil's Billions in Tax Perks Survive Fiscal Cliff Deal, Mother Jones, January 2, 2013

** 'Exxon Hates Your Children,' Ad Targeting Fossil Fuel Industry Claims, The Huffington Post, December 5, 2012

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