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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Foolishness of Lawns, Planned Parenthood, Trophy Hunting, GOP unprepared to govern,

We all knew that!

As a major foreign policy and national security debate continues, an observer raises an important question:
Are congressional Republicans "utterly unprepared to govern"?
Republicans were supposed to bring their A game to the debate over the Iran deal. But what if the party doesn't really have an A game anymore?

Last year, more than a thousand rhinos were poached in South Africa, 
elephant populations have plummeted 66% in just five years, and 
the export of lion...

Jindal's ignorance knows no bounds!

“In recent weeks, it has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country,” Gov. Bobby Jindal said in a statement. “Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state.”
The presidential candidate cited the recent controversial videos.

By a mostly party-line vote, Senate Democrats powered by the liberal caucus rose up and blocked a Republican bill to defund Planned Parenthood.

"Lawns are our biggest “crop,” beating out corn, wheat and fruit combined. Habitat loss isn’t a problem happening out there somewhere; it’s happening in our own back yards. . . . maintaining a mowed and fertilized lawn also pollutes the air, water and soil. The emissions from lawnmowers and other garden equipment are responsible for more than 5 percent of urban air pollution. An hour of gas-powered lawn mowing produces as much pollution as four hours of driving a car. Americans use 800 million gallons of gas every year for lawn equipment, and 17 million gallons are spilled while refueling mowers — more than was leaked by the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989. Homeowners use up to 10 times more chemicals per acre on their lawns than farmers use on crops, chemicals that can end up in drinking water and waterways."

Manicured lawns are ruining the planet.

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