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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Saturday, July 20, 2013

July 28: Rally and direct action at the Brayton Point coal plant

Please consider joining to protest Dirty Energy!

July 28: Rally and direct action at the Brayton Point coal plant
Just in time for the second hottest June on record, the resistance to the fossil fuel industry has never been bigger.

As President Obama has finally unveiled a plan to address climate change, across the country activists are taking inspiring stands in unprecedented numbers.

We know that strong public pressure is key to stopping the worst fossil fuel projects. That's why our friends at 350 have organized Summer Heat. Working with local groups, they're mobilizing activists at a dozen actions across the country in the next few weeks to stand up against Keystone XL, coal, fracking, toxic pollution, and the industry that brings them to us.

Here are the details:
What: Rally and direct action at the Brayton Point coal plant
When: Sunday, July 28
Where: Somerset, MA
Most of the actions will feature a rally and an optional direct action, where participants may be risking arrest. Those participating in direct action will need to attend a training the day before. Everyone is welcome at the rallies, whether or not you will be risking arrest.

President Obama’s decision on Keystone XL, and the fossil fuel industry's continued careless greed, have huge consequences for the future. But unless we stand up to oppose the fossil fuel industry's dangerous status quo, we won't get the solutions we need, as urgently as we need them.

These actions will contribute to the growing momentum toward action on climate change, like the nearly 70,000 people throughout the country who have signed CREDO's pledge to commit civil disobedience if President Obama moves forward with the Keystone XL pipeline.

Join the Summer Heat actions to help increase the impact. Click here to RSVP for your event and find more information.

Thank you for taking action.

Elijah Zarlin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets

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