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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

VoteVets: The same voices pushing for war with Iraq

As Americans, do we support Endless Wars that will bankrupt our nation?

Consider subscribing to VoteVets and speaking out against the continued War Mongering.

President Obama is right: many of the same voices urging the United States to reject the deal with Iran in favor of a military approach were some of the loudest voices in favor of war with Iraq.

Congress is home for recess now, and we need to make sure they hear your voice before returning to D.C. to take a vote.

So far over 100,000 veterans, military family members, and VoteVets supporters have taken action on this issue - add your name to theirs today:

Tell Congress: vote for the negotiated deal that is our best chance to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

The vote can go either way at this point so every Representative and every Senator that comes out in favor of the deal is a major victory. 

We have a very unique voice in this debate. It'd be a real shame to let it go to waste. 

Thanks for adding your name, 

Jon Soltz 
Iraq War Veteran and Chairman 

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