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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Flush Rush: Wants Obama to Fail #1

Last week, Rush Limbaugh said he hopes President Obama fails.


Obama's failure is our failure.

Obama's failure means more home foreclosures, more neighborhoods blighted by empty homes, more unemployment, more family tragedies.

This isn't about 'buying votes,' but putting America back to work, producing, prosperous, creating a future and optimistic.

That a man who earns his living as a loud mouth, was a drug addict no different from the back alley user, couldn't hack college, can't seem to get this marriage thing right, and is exalted to a position in excess of his abilities or credentials should control the discourse needs serious examination.


Now is not the time for partisanship, continued hate mongering or ideology. It's time to keep Americans in their homes, safe from harm with appropriate safety nets and jobs. It's time to work together to find solutions that undo the mess of the Bush Administration legacy.


Mark Belanger said...

When Bush Jr. was elected, I thought to myself - "Bummer, oh well, he can't possibly be as bad as he looks".

Imagine my chagrin when he turned out to be worse. I never wished for him to fail - and Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. Hmm,,, sounds like a catch title for a book.

Middleboro Review said...

Prior to the Iraq invasion/occupation, information was available in the international media regarding WMD, yellow cake from Niger, and so on, indicating that Bush was lying and predicting disaster.
I, too, hoped I was wrong about the man's incompetence and stupidity because ultimately, we were talking about American lives.
The Republican leadership needs to re-consider blindly following Rush down an ideological path for the sake of our fellow Americans who are despairing.