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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Middleboro Registered Voters

On a snowy New England day, a review of registered voters in Middleboro revealed some statistics that offer some insight. The numbers below represent the percentage of eligible voters who registered to vote (as of January 2008). Since this was a Presidential Election year, the registration numbers may have increased slightly prior to November 2008, but the percentages are consistent with previous years. This does not reflect those who actually vote and are reported after each election by the Town Clerk.
Precinct 1 86%
Precinct 2 77%
Precinct 3 82%
Precinct 4 74%
Precinct 5 82%
Precinct 6 79%


Anonymous said...

With such a high percentage registered to vote, how is it that so few turned out for the TMFH?

Anonymous said...

From what I'm reading, potentially we have enough voter power out there to break the good ole boy network monopolizing the BOS. This presents a golden opportunity to begin to change the complexion of the Board. Let's not blow it people. Get out on election day and make a difference!

Anxiously awaiting to see who will come forward to run. Our town has many potentially well qualified candidates. Hope some have the time and willingness to become involved.

Middleboro Review said...

Allow me to list the numbers of registered voters per precinct as of last year:

Precinct 1 3620
Precinct 2 2197
Precinct 3 2547
Precinct 4 1884
Precinct 5 2686
Precinct 6 2194

TOTAL 15,128

The Town has always had the power to change the complexion of the Board, but if only 5% of voters cast ballots, the failure of the remaining 95% has spoken.

Steve Spataro was elected by 3% of voters.

It isn't simply preaching to the converted who read the blogs, but talking to your friends, neighbors and acquaintances to get them involved, voting, participating, watching the BOS meetings, and maybe even attending town meeting with you.

If you believe you can accomplish changing the town simply by posting such, you'll be sadly disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I realize this is completely irrelevant to the subject under discussion, but every time I watch the Selectmen's meeting I am appalled by Ms. Brunelle's unprofessional appearance. It's embarrassing. Please, Marsha, this is not 1970. Long scraggly, flower child locks are unbecoming of someone representing our town. There are a number of professional hairdressers in our area who could help you with an upgraded appearance more befitting your age and public stature. This may seem petty, but people judge one first by appearances. Considering that you are videotaped and photographed weekly, someone needs to let you know how detracting and distracting your wild mane is. Many of us simply can't take someone with an unkempt appearance seriously. With all due respect, this is not Haight Ashberry, Nixon isn't president anymore, and the Age of Aquarius is over. If you want to take the part, look the part.