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Middleboro Review 2



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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Saturday, January 24, 2009

A New Day Has Dawned

I have received a large volume of emails and phone calls, not all fully reviewed as yet, regarding the issues unfolding and my inexplicable silence.
If you have a comment regarding the Town, please don't hesitate to post it. I simply haven't had time to compose a blog entry and frankly, there's not much to say.
Having gone door to door to collect signatures for the Recall, rest assured that I have heard far more than will ever be made public about the local cast of characters.
Did we ever believe the sordid dealings of Jack Abramoff would live in Middleboro?
Please feel free to post comments, but also consider that what we need to move forward and deal with future issues is a resolve to pay attention and encourage others to do so as well. We need to participate, ask questions, inform ourselves.
We watched the unfolding saga of Abramoff from a distance, believing we were unaffected by the sleaze and the payoffs, disregard of the laws, money laundering for gambling, the hypocrisy of the 'anti-gambling' likes of Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed.
The sordid episode of Glenn Marshall's indictment and the pending indictments of others as yet unnamed, has enveloped our Town because we weren't vigilant.
Rather than participating in the current hysteria of missteps and misconduct by a Board of Selectmen that is incompetent and incapable of governance, and rather than participating in the daily soap opera, there are several observations offered.
Although I hate to say "I told you so," the handwriting of the Abramoff connections was clearly writ.
That the Middleboro Board of Selectmen fails to recognize the impact on the IGA defines their incompetence as a whole.
Having no privileged information, but having watched these unfolding sagas elsewhere, what seems a consistent pattern is that when one person is indicted, others step forward with additional information.
What I anticipate is that there will be local indictments that will instill a backbone in some to step into the light and speak out.
There will be no quick process, as the Marshall indictment proves, but justice will be served.
As friend and fellow blogger, Gladys Kravitz pointed out, you have the right to insist that local activities be investigated. And you have a right to complain.
Office of Attorney General
Martha Coakley
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108

Office of the Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Secretary of the Department of the Interior
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20240

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of the Interior
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20240
Massachusetts Ethics Commission
One Ashburton Place
John W. McCormack Building
Room 619 Boston, MA 02108
Board of Bar Overseers
99 High Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02110


Anonymous said...

I applaud those who are calling for a letter writing campaign designed to call for investigations about the conduct of Mboro officials.
This is truly democracy at work when citizens insist that their government intervene to protect them from the Abramoff clones of corruption.
My husband and I have written several letters and raised additional issues as we remember them or comments appear within the bloggers' forums.
Surprises are predictable.
None of us will be happy about the results, but I would rather insist that this sordid mess be reviewed by the authorities than sit idly by and hope.

Anonymous said...

With great disgust I read that Wayne Perkins is running for Moderator.
Does anyone remember how he conducted the Selectmen's Meetings? He just ignored those standing at the microphone.
Is that what we need?
I find it hard to believe he would conduct town meeting differently.
So much for democracy in this town.

Anonymous said...

I thought Wayne was ill. How can he run for town moderator? Then again how difficult is it to say shut up, bang a gavel or just totally ignore the taxpayers. Could be worse. He could be running for selectman again, and with the circle of voter turn out he'd probably get it. If the complainers DON'T get out to vote this time. Stop your whinning. I hope more than just one candidate is running against the "MAN". Why would neither Dunphy nor Jessie run again. They have for many years been the source of the truth to all. They have gone well above and beyond without being elected for this town with creditable information. Middleboro desperately needs to do another recall. I don't see that happening again though. SAD BUT TRUE.

Anonymous said...

The drama is pretty amusing as soap opera, but you're right about this going on for years.
Bond needs the limelight, but hero? No. There is no white horse. Time for folks to wake up and write some letters. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

The handling of this episode is disgraceful from top to bottom. Adam's blog is unprofessional.
Letters? You betcha!

Anonymous said...

Stupidity isn't a crime.

Anonymous said...

Out-of-town friends have offered their opinions about Middleboro's bos problems and Mr. Bond is viewed as a spoiled brat seeking attention which only reinforces the poor impression he created in 2007.
Calling casino opponenets braying mules and voters stupid has not been forgotten.
The blog comments are poorly presented and only add to that assessment.
The poor handling of this matter is personally distressing, but I'm inclined to agree about the need to sit back and watch.