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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Note the time discrepancy. The spill occurred on FRIDAY and was discovered on MONDAY and reported, after attempts at cleanup had been ongoing over the weekend. Something to hide?

The Sierra Club offered the following (emphasis mine):
#1 On December 22, one billion gallons of coal ash sludge and contaminated water, the waste product of coal-fired power plants of the Tennessee Valley Authority, broke through a containment area into the rivers of Kingston, Tennessee.
#2 Last week a coal train operated by National Coal Corporation over turned spilling approximately 1100 tons of coal next to the New River in Scott County, Tennessee. Eight rail cars, which typically hold 120 tons of coal, were involved.
#3 And now another spill occurred in Alabama at the Tennessee Valley Authority Widows Creek coal-fired plant, releasing up to 10,000 gallons of polluted sludge.
These spills highlight the urgent need for us to begin moving beyond coal to cleaner energy sources that power our communities without polluting them.
President-elect Obama can jumpstart a clean energy economy and start reducing global warming pollution immediately by doing the following:
Direct the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to grant a waiver that will allow California and over a dozen other states to limit global warming pollution from cars.

End the rush to build dirty coal plants by directing the EPA to require all new and existing power plants limit their global warming emissions.

Direct the EPA to end irresponsible mountaintop removal coal mining by stopping coal companies from dumping rock and waste into valleys and streams.

Restore America’s international leadership in the fight to end global warming by publicly committing the U.S. to cut its CO2 emissions by at least 35% by 2020.

It’s becoming clear that the magnitude of the billion gallon sludge spill in Kingston, Tennessee finally shined a light on a quiet tragedy that has been going on for decades--smaller coal ash spills and releases that pollute our land and water.

From The Huffington Post:
A coal train operated by National Coal Corporation over turned on Friday, January 9, 2009, spilling approximately 1100 tons of coal next to the New River in Scott County, Tennessee. Eight rail cars, which typically hold 120 tons of coal, were involved.

The contamination was discovered on Monday, January 12, 2009 by Steve Bakaletz, a Wildlife Biologist with the National Park Service at the Big South Fork (BSF) Recreation Area's Oneida Office.
The Alliance for Appalachia

“Now we have examples — right here in Tennessee — of the dirty face of coal, from mountaintop and surface coal mining to coal transport to coal combustion and coal waste disposal,” said Cathie Bird, Chairperson of the Stripmine Issues Committee of SOCM.
“I think somebody’s trying to tell us something. We need to push past coal and focus on clean energy sources, before any more streams are trashed or lives disrupted,” said Bird.

Another Tennessee Coal Spill. Seriously.
I can’t believe this — 1100 TONS of coal dumped in Tennessee and I can’t find ANYthing about this anywhere on-line except via the good folks with Sierra Club and Save Our Cumberland Mountains in Tennessee.
If you are fed up and fired up and ready to stand in solidarity with communities in Tennessee check out Mountain Justice Spring Break which will be happening near the TVA Ash Dam Disaster March 7-15, 2009 and will encourage service projects and direct action against TVA’s criminal negligence.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i lived where you wrote about and found your coments was going to tell you my story but would cry
we worked to build a life for the kids owned a house the water has coal and we cant drink it
we moved with relatives because the air is dirty
tva is burying everything the water will never be clean
no one cares