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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Plum Creek, Montana?

Derrick Z. Jackson did an exemplary job condemning the Lame Duck's final acts:
"We have 40 years of Forest Service history that has been reversed in the last three months," Patrick O'Herren, rural initiatives director for Missoula County, Montana, told the Post last July. Plum Creek is the biggest private landowner in Montana, with 1.2 million acres, much of it not far from either Missoula or Kalispell in the western part of the state. Much of that land's mountain wilderness, complete with glaciers and grizzlies, is so pristine that the Post said parts of it are "as Lewis and Clark found it."
Bush's assault on science and the environment is his second-worst war. In his waning weeks, he has freed federal agencies from consulting with government scientists to evaluate the environmental impact of projects. In a further attack on the Endangered Species Act, Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne proudly announced he would protect polar bears, but decoupled the protection from the problem - the greenhouse gas melting of arctic ice. In perfect Bushspeak, Kempthorne said, "We do not believe the science is there to make the causal link."
In a final decoupling from sanity itself, the administration will let people carry concealed weapons in national parks, wildlife refuges, and forests, and eliminated the 100-foot buffer zone protecting rivers and streams from coal-mining waste. Now the government wants to let developers pave forest roads.

We can disagree on ideology and issues, but when it comes to deals like this?
Additional information --
Closed-Door Deal Could Open Land In Montana
Plum Creek owns more than 8 million acres nationwide, including 1.2 million acres in the mountains of western Montana, where local officials were stunned and outraged at the deal.
Plum Creek Montana Campaign Contributions
Plum Creek Montana

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