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Middleboro Review 2



Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Following The Yellow Brick Road

Prior to the TMFH (for the uninitiated: Town Meeting From Hell, where residents were forced to sit or stand in the sweltering sun when the ballot option was available), I made a few phone calls as reminders to registered voters.
As most are aware, I have handed out voter registration forms, delivered them to the homes of unregistered voters, and encouraged participation, as have many others.
Among the voters I called were those who had recently registered.
On the list was an elderly couple (older than I am) who had just recently registered, even though they had lived in the town for many years.
When I explained to the gentleman that I was calling as a reminder, his response was rather explosive.
He explained that the reason he registered to vote was to attend the TMFH to vote for the casino so that he could get out of 'this hell hole of a town.'
It was disappointing that in his many years, he failed to find the need to participate in the democratic process until he believed a pot of gold existed on his horizon.
One of the troubling aspects that has enveloped supporters is their unwillingness to insist on the facts and figures before endorsing the IGA.
Someone, somewhere heard that Native Americans get rich when they have casinos. Reminiscent of Wayne Perkins stating that towns in Connecticut with casinos don't pay taxes.
Does the Tribe, even at this late date, know what the terms of the Agreement that Glenn Marshall signed with the investors are?
If you are Mashpee Wampanoag, what will you receive?
It All Sounds Familiar includes these comments --
Critics say the poverty of non-gaming tribes makes them vulnerable to environmentally hazardous projects.
“I think the Indians got sold a bill of goods,” she said. “You dangle money in front of people, and that carrot looks awfully good at the end of the string. And that string is a very short string.”
I might be inclined to add that the Mashpee Wampanoags followed about to be convicted felons down that Yellow Brick Road and failed to ask for the facts before supporting their leaders. It's time for you to ask questions as well.
We're not in Oz and the Wizard behind the curtain is a little, insignificant man about to spend a few years in a federal prison.


Anonymous said...

Other tribes end up fighting for small amounts of money or the council gets it all. If you look at the big money that's going out, it looks like Gayle Andrews and Shawn Hendricks are the ones making out with the bucks. The members need to join Amelia and insist on the information.

Anonymous said...

Marshal sold the Mashpee a bill of goods too. What if they did end up with $100 per month? They don't even know what they supported. Dumb and dumber.

Anonymous said...

The investors take advantage of the tribes and the BIA is corrupt so fails to protect them.
They just follow like sheep.

Anonymous said...

The tribe is no different from the unions. Union members think they have jobs but it doesn't say that. A convicted felon promised all kinds of things. His word? Stuff it in the can. Oxymoron anyone?