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Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Middleboro's Green Committee

Fellow blogger, Bellicose Bumpkin inquired about the proposed Middleboro Green Committee and its status.
Since the Middleboro Board of Selectmen can't seem to walk and chew gum at the same time, that is: deal with a casino that isn't coming and their responsibilities [snarky comment strictly my own], I inquired of the Town Manager's Office. The Selectmen's Secretary was out of the office at the time, so Allison, the Town Manager's Secretary responded, without identifying herself.
It seems that 7 Members were being sought for the Committee and inaction was attributable to not having attained that number. Allison explained that they only had six people, but a gentleman had stopped by the Town Manager's Office today and expressed interest.
Since I was aware of 5 people who had submitted their names, I called back to ask the names they had so far.
The applications received at this time are from:
1. Jo Ranahan
2. Steve Bonfiglio
3. Charles R. Chace
4. James Cook
5. Ada Alfonso
6. Julie Gould
7. Brian Kowalski
In fairness, I took down the names and counted when I got off the phone.
My crude calculations seem to indicate 7 names, but maybe I miscounted.
You might notice that my name has not been included. At the time names were solicited, I called the Selectmen's Secretary, explained that my computer was ferschnucken [being rid of a Trojan Horse or other wildlife] and requested that my name be added to the list. That my name does not appear on the list can be forgiven of a $7 an hour employee since I realize how underpaid the secretaries are! And the counting error is clearly my fault and hopefully, my mathematical error will be fully explained.
But I might also point out that Steve McKinnon, who currently serves on the Finance Committee had expressed interest. There was discussion about the Town Charter preventing him from doing so, but also discussion about the BOS providing for the presence of the FinCom on just such a committee. There seems to be no other committee in Middleboro whose involvement makes greater sense. The Finance Committee reviews the numbers and has more perspective on the budget overview. Middleboro voters elect the Finance Committee to advocate on their behalf in terms of financial matters. The FinCom, under Wayne Perkins' reign and Jack Healey's boot, were marginalized and condemned and denied much information. It's time to restore their input and significance to its rightful place and maybe part of that includes the new Town Manager. (Some may remember that the new Town Manager provided the FinCom and Voters with ONLY abstracts of the union contracts shortly before Special Town Meeting. Maybe this needs to be improved before voters insist on a Charter Commission to correct this.)
Regardless---it's time to get the Green Committee rolling and organized!
Thanks for asking, Bumpkin! I needed the arithmetic lesson!

1 comment:

Mark Belanger said...

Clearly you need to be part of this group. If anyone in town government was paying attention they would notice the absence of your name and ask why.