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Since the Dilly, Dally, Delay & Stall Law Firms are adding their billable hours, the Toyota U.S.A. and Route 44 Toyota posts have been separated here:

Route 44 Toyota Sold Me A Lemon

Sunday, August 11, 2013

This, That......

Every time you go to the polls, carry the picture of these two firmly in your mind. I have posted them before, but the entire world needs to know them intimately. David and Charles Koch have singlehandedly bankrolled the tea party, and all of the Republican obstructionism in the past 6 years. They don't want you to vote, they don't want you to have health care, and they don't want to pay a person a living wage. VOTE BLUE, and laugh at their picture, as your vote takes down their bought and paid for candidates.
Insensitive is insensitive, regardless of what you "open carry."

This is what we have to deal with, primarily in the Southern and Western States. This moronic mentality has been fueled by the tea baggers, who are funded by the Koch Brothers. WAKE UP, and lose the racist stupidity, America!!!
According to Ring of Fire Host Mike Papantonio:

“When they aren’t attacking the President’s healthcare plans or the Democrats’ efforts to increase the minimum ...wage, the Tea Party can be found engaging in vilest type of racism at all levels. This has been their go-to issue since the Koch brothers put ‘em together.”

Listen to the rest of Papantonio's comments here:

Mike Huckabee, opportunist extraordinaire, psuedo Christian, because anyone who is really a Christian would not malign an entire religious group based on the actions and behavior of a fringe element. I guess the former governor has no recollection of our bloody Christian history, let alone his Christian brethren who who consistently show their bigotry and prejudice with regard to anyone who doesn't fall into lockstep with them. Huckabee is an example of the worst of the worst hypocrites. He lines his pockets with money on the backs of all those he debases.
1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a corporate-funded organization that develops “model legislation” to be introduced by conservative legislators (mostly Republicans, some Democrats) across the country.

Historically , ALEC worked off radar. However, in recent years ALEC has been the subject of investigations and inquiries by media outlets across the country. The group was highlighted by the 2011 “ALEC Exposed” project of the Center for Media and Democracy and The Nation. It has also been the focus of a nationally-broadcast “United States of ALEC” documentary by Moyers & Company, and called out by groups such as Color of Change and Common Cause. As a result, it has been abandoned by 49 corporations (from to Wal-Mart) that once paid for its initiatives.
ALEC has been decried by labor, environmental and clean government groups in state capitols across the country. An organization that once held its annual meetings virtually unnoticed is now met with mass protests so large that streets around the meeting's hotel were closed.

This year ALEC decided to prioritize the dismantling of States’ renewable energy standards targeting States across the country. Their record? 0 for 13. In the states where ALEC and its members sought to repeal or weaken renewable energy standards or targets, not a single bill passed in 2013.

Yet, ALEC remains a defining force in statehouses across the country. A new report from the Center for Media and Democracy details the extent of the group’s ongoing engagement. CMD has identified 466 ALEC bills that were introduced in state legislatures during 2013 sessions. At least eighty-four of these measures have become law.

Read more
Watch Bill Moyers' exposé "The United States of ALEC":

TAKE ACTION:, ‪#‎StopBigOil‬

Image credit: OverpassLightBrigade
"When the character of a man is not clear to you,
look at his friends."
-- Japanese Proverb

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New site...with something important to say.
Not to mention the crazy fact that corporations are "people," yet we own, buy, and sell them. But of course, corporations are only people when it's convenient.

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