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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Intrepid Report: Week of May 1, 2017

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Part 5 of 6 parts: Critical Thinking: A bridge to the future
By Arthur D. Robbins
You can put away the razor blade. There is a way out.

By Eric Zuesse
On Monday, April 25, the AP headlined, “US general in Afghanistan suggests Russia arming the Taliban” and reported that U.S. Pentagon chief James “Mad Dog” Mattis was accusing Russia of violating the sovereignty of unnamed nation(s) and was supplying weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan—the very same group that the U.S. back in 1979 had begun arming in Pakistan so that the Taliban would invade Afghanistan and lure Soviet forces into Afghanistan, so as to make the Soviets “bleed” there, as the U.S. itself had bled in its Vietnam War. The U.S. National Security Advisor at that time went to Pakistan and rallied the Taliban there by saying “Your cause is right, and God is on your side!”

By Jacob Hornberger
You would think that by the time a person becomes the director of the CIA, he would have a correct understanding of the Constitution, which is the founding document of the federal government, which the CIA is part of. This should be especially true when the CIA director is a former member of Congress, a graduate of West Point, and the holder of a law degree from Harvard.

By Robert Reich
One way dictators take over democracies is by threatening the independence of a nation’s courts. Donald Trump is doing just this.

By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship
Republican Calvin Coolidge, who in 1923 ascended to the presidency following the death of the corrupt and dunderheaded Warren Harding, was a man of few words. But some of the most famous of the few were, “The chief business of the American people is business.”


At CPAC, Steve Bannon declared that key members of Trump’s Cabinet were “selected for a reason.” In the first 100 days of Trump’s presidency, that reason has become clear.
By Steven Harper
At its best, government saves the environment from polluters, prevents companies from exploiting consumers, safeguards individuals against invidious discrimination and other forms of injustice, and lends a helping hand to those in need. None of those principles guides the Trump/Bannon government.

By Nadia Prupis
President Donald Trump is officially the most “fact-challenged” politician that the Washington Post’s Fact Checker has ever encountered, columnists Glenn Kessler and Michelle Ye Hee Lee reported Monday, just hours before the president claimed in a radio interview that “people don’t ask” why the Civil War happened.

By Linda S. Heard
No wonder President Donald Trump hankers after his old life. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier,” he told Reuters. For some reason he never imagined that holding the fate of the planet in his hands would be a tad harder than signing cheques, hosting a reality show and doing deals on the golf course.

By Paul Craig Roberts
Not everyone likes to hear about the threat of nuclear war. Some find refuge in denial and say that nuclear war is impossible because it makes no sense. Unfortunately, humankind has a long record of doing things that make no sense.

A record-breaking 104 House Democrats are co-sponsoring a Medicare-for-All bill
By Nika Knight
As President Donald Trump and the GOP attempt once again to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a much crueler bill, House Democrats are pushing in the total opposite direction: as of Thursday, a record 104 have signed on to co-sponsor a Medicare-for-All bill.


Through key Cabinet appointments, Trump is gutting federal agencies that have improved citizens’ daily lives in ways that most Americans will no longer take for granted.
By Steven Harper
Beware of the enemy within. With respect to the US government, the ultimate inside job is well underway. Through key Cabinet appointments, Trump is gutting federal agencies that have improved citizens’ daily lives in ways that most Americans will no longer take for granted.

Effort to rewrite libel laws, says press secretary, 'is being looked into substantively and logistically'
By Jon Queally
White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed Monday that the Trump administration is actively—and in his words “substantively”—reviewing the nation’s libel laws as it explores ways it could more easily sidestep First Amendment protections and target press coverage or news stories it deems objectionable.

By Robert Reich
After more than 100 days into his presidency, it seems fair to ask: What is Donald Trump’s governing philosophy?

By John W. Whitehead
Supposedly the National Security Administration is going to stop collecting certain Internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target.

By Linh Dinh
I’ve only been to New Haven four times, and last week, it was only to participate in the commemoration of the Fall of Saigon, as organized by the Vietnamese Studies Program at Yale. I was one of three poets invited. The other two were Phan Nhien Hao (b. 1967) and To Thuy Yen (b. 1938).


Across the federal government, Trump is determining the country’s fate. The first 100 days of deconstruction set the stage for 1,360 that will follow.
By Steven Harper
Trump promised to be a transformational leader. It wasn’t an idle threat. He has assembled an unprecedented governmental wrecking crew. This is the third installment on Trump’s unique combination of kleptocracy and kakistocracy that is reshaping America in ways that most of voters won’t like.

Donald Trump is master of perception, altering reality to distract the public from his lack of character.
By Neal Gabler
Presidencies are often defined by images: FDR delivering his reassuring fireside chats; Harry Truman speaking from the back of his campaign train, whistle stopping in 1948 and giving ‘em hell; JFK and Jackie, elegant in Paris, defying Henry James’ stereotype of Americans as bumpkins; Reagan at the Berlin Wall; and George W. Bush in his flight suit against the banner reading “Mission Accomplished.”

By Robert Reich
Donald Trump has ordered a rollback of regulations over Wall Street, including the Dodd-Frank Act, passed in 2010 to prevent another too-big-to-fail banking crisis.

By Stephen Lendman
To win defamation lawsuits, plaintiffs must prove falsified statements or information—causing material harm either negligently or willfully.

By Richard John Stapleton
I have read several posts on the Internet lately written by people averring we are heading for another civil war in the United States, this one between conservatives and liberals. It appears violence or the threat of violence between these groups is escalating in the US. The recent clash between conservative and liberal students on the campus at Berkeley, in which students came to blows using their fists, is a case in point.


By Emanuel E. Garcia, MD
There are moments in a game of chess, so I’m told (I’m no great shakes at the contest), when a grandmaster will sit back and ‘see’ the inevitable strategy of his opponent and know that the outcome has been decided. Win or lose, this moment is a gripping one: all of the many possibilities begun however many minutes or hours ago have now materialised into an end. Or, to put it another way, it’s like peeling a mask off a stranger and recognising the previously disguised face.

By Wayne Madsen
Trump World is turning into the worst sort of LSD trip imaginable. First, Donald Trump’s Twitter tirades lambasted in all capital letters—meaning shouting—FAKE NEWS, which in his mind is any press account with which he disagrees. Now, Trump is reinventing history, suggesting in an interview that what we know from history books; first-hand accounts, including handwritten letters and diaries; and countless films and television documentaries is FAKE HISTORY. According to Trump, Andrew Jackson, a vicious slave owner and genocidaire of Native Americans, could have prevented the Civil War, even though Jackson died sixteen years before the war began.

By Michael Winship
Gene Tunney, the champion prizefighter of the 1920s, wanted to promote an image of himself as a great intellectual. Trying to prove it, he always carried in his pocket a copy of Shakespeare’s sonnets.

By Ramzy Baroud
Gaza is the world’s largest open air prison. The West Bank is a prison, too, segmented into various wards, known as areas A, B and C. In fact, all Palestinians are subjected to varied degrees of military restrictions. At some level, they are all prisoners.

By Stephen Lendman
Since Hugo Chavez’s February 1999 ascension to power, Washington wanted Venezuela’s bad old days restored—fascism replacing Bolivarian social democratic freedoms.

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