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When the Republicans finally released their secretive wealthcare bill yesterday, several horrible elements immediately jumped out, many or most of them affecting citizens 46 years of age and older. Wealthcare bill provisions would decimate Medicaid, which 64% of nursing home residents rely on. The bill would allow insurance companies to charge higher rates to people with pre-existing conditions, something that would affect an estimated 130 million Americans, many over the age of 50 years old. And finally, the wealthcare bill includes an “age tax” that would mean beginning at age 46 years old, insurance companies could begin charging up to five times more than premiums for younger people:
The AHCA would raise that limit: Premiums for older people could jump to five times the amount insurers charge younger consumers, from the limit of three times the younger consumers’ rate under the current law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Such a change would significantly increase financial burdens on millions of older adults, but the shift in costs would do little to get more young consumers to enroll.
Needless to say, this will have a dramatic effect on the 38 million members of AARP and they released a very strong statement vowing to hold all 100 senators accountable for their vote:
“This new Senate bill was crafted in secrecy behind closed doors without a single hearing or open debate—and it shows. The Senate bill would hit millions of Americans with higher costs and result in less coverage for them. AARP is adamantly opposed to the Age Tax, which would allow insurance companies to charge older Americans five times more for coverage than everyone else while reducing tax credits that help make insurance more affordable.“AARP is also deeply concerned that the Senate bill cuts Medicaid funding that would strip health coverage from millions of low-income and vulnerable Americans who depend on the coverage, including 17 million poor seniors and children and adults with disabilities. The proposed Medicaid cuts would leave millions, including our most vulnerable seniors, at risk of losing the care they need and erode seniors’ ability to live in their homes and communities.
“The Senate bill also cuts funding for Medicare which weakens the programs ability to pay benefits and leaves the door wide open to benefit cuts and Medicare vouchers. AARP has long opposed proposals that cut benefits or weaken Medicare.“As we did with all 435 Members of the House of Representatives, AARP will also hold all 100 Senators accountable for their votes on this harmful health care bill. Our members care deeply about their health care and have told us repeatedly that they want to know where their elected officials stand. We strongly urge the Senate to reject this bill.”
Why are Republicans so hellbent on harming so many Americans in exchange for private insurance and Big Pharma profits and a tax cut to 400 of the wealthiest families in America? Will the AARP deliver the strongest resistance to this deadly agenda in 2018? We’ll find out in 501 days when voters will be able to make their voices heard at the ballot box.
I'm sure this will be proposed in the SC legislature soon.....Arizona looks like they are going to pass a bill like this in their state. Basically the bills say that women can be not hired/or fired by employers or refused a lease/evicted by landlords if they use birth control for preventing pregnancies rather
than for purely medical reasons. Never thought I would see stupid stuff like this happening in America......moral of this is be very careful who you vote into office and then pay attention to what they propose, co-sign, and vote for.......
Does anyone remember when selling or displaying birth control was a felony?
How far have we come?
".....Eisenstadt v. Baird[edit]
In 1967 Boston University students petitioned Baird to challenge Massachusetts's stringent "Crimes Against Chastity, Decency, Morality and Good Order" law.[20][21] On April 6, 1967 he gave a speech to 1,500 students and others at Boston University on abortion, birth control, environmental pollution, and overpopulation.[22] He gave a female student one condom and a package of contraceptive foam.[22] Police arrested him as a felon and he faced up to ten years in jail.[23] He was convicted and sentenced to three months in Boston's Charles Street Jail.[24]
He fought to legalize birth control without the support of major pro choice or feminist organizations, several of which attacked him. Betty Friedan of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) has implied many times since 1971 that Baird was a "CIA agent", including a statement in The New York Times.[25] During his challenge to the Massachusetts law, Planned Parenthood stated that "there is nothing to be gained by court action of this kind. The only way to remove the limitations remaining in the law is through the legislative process."[26]
Despite this opposition, Baird fought for five years until Eisenstadt v. Baird legalized birth control for all Americans on March 22, 1972. Eisenstadt v. Baird, a landmark right to privacy decision, became the foundation for such cases as Roe v. Wade and the 2003 gay rights victory Lawrence v. Texas. Eisenstadt v. Baird is mentioned in over 52 Supreme Court cases from 1972 through 2002.[27] Each of the eleven U.S. Court of Appeals Circuits, as well as the Federal Circuit, has cited Eisenstadt v. Baird as authority.[27] The highest courts of all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico have cited Eisenstadt v. Baird.[27]...."
Trump has switched entirely from press conferences and White House briefings to tweets, rallies, and Fox News interviews – where he can control the message and avoid unfriendly questions.
1. Press briefings have gone dark. The briefings, regularly conducted 4 or 5 times a week in prior administrations and in the early weeks of the Trump administration, are now being held rarely. And when the White House does give a briefing now, it’s increasingly conducted off-camera.
2. White House press secretary Sean Spicer has made just 7 total appearances before the media in the month since Trump returned from his first international trip, an unusually low number for a press secretary.
3. The 2020 presidential campaign is more than 1,200 days away, but Trump held yet another "Make America Great Again" rally — this time in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. And, as he did in past campaign speeches, Trump spoke for a long time and reeled off numerous false and misleading claims (see next posting).
4. Trump’s tweets are non-stop.
5. He gave an interview that aired this morning on Fox News, filled with boasts (such as that his suggestion about having taped James Comey having the desired effect of "keeping Comey honest") and threats (Special Counsel Robert Mueller has “filled” his staff with cronies of Hillary Clinton so “we’ll have to see” if Mueller keeps his job).
A democracy depends on a free press capable of keeping presidents accountable to the people. Historically, only dictators choose how and when they’ll speak to the public.
What do you think?
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